just got home from some late night football and was very pleased with the performance of my new cleats, never have had cleats so it was a little odd getting used to shoes like that. They reminded me of track shoes but more aggressive looking. I have a new found respect for football player and the skill that they posses. I can see why the world has a love for this sport. It seems to have an appeal that transcends borders and races. Im just surprised that I like it so much since I have a low opinion of running, but yet Im starting to crave it. now I can see why Europeans get so worked up with there favourite teams just because seeing great plays done my amazing athletes makes for good times even at 230 am
though management did call this afternoon to inform me i got my promotion
miniscule pay raises are like a gift right??
but i just figure ill count sunday as the start of my birthday and say it last 10 days long as i did take off for a nice little vacation then