I have been working a lot more now so at least I have a reason for not updating this time. Working is so much better than not doing anything so Im happy about that.
For the bad things in my life I got the front tire of my bike stolen from my condo. That makes the count for lost bikes at 2.5 bikes now. It sucks, because I had to pay $200 for a new tired, wheel and rotor for something that I had already. Just makes me so mad..
But the thing that Im most happy about is the better weather that we have been having. More light means better pictures will come from my camera and Im very excited about that. I have been running around with a fast lens with the speed cranked up on my camera for far too long. Not that late night photo taking is bad, but I would just like to have some light so I dont have to worry about staying super still and worry about goose bumps on my subjects or finding a place to shoot at in the first place now I have beaches and forests at my disposal.
But been getting to spend more time with some old and new friends which is nice, love meeting new people and getting to know them weather on the net or in real life but I seem to be finding that there are so may interesting people that are just at my fingertips and I'm enjoying that immensely
And now for a random pics

For the bad things in my life I got the front tire of my bike stolen from my condo. That makes the count for lost bikes at 2.5 bikes now. It sucks, because I had to pay $200 for a new tired, wheel and rotor for something that I had already. Just makes me so mad..
But the thing that Im most happy about is the better weather that we have been having. More light means better pictures will come from my camera and Im very excited about that. I have been running around with a fast lens with the speed cranked up on my camera for far too long. Not that late night photo taking is bad, but I would just like to have some light so I dont have to worry about staying super still and worry about goose bumps on my subjects or finding a place to shoot at in the first place now I have beaches and forests at my disposal.
But been getting to spend more time with some old and new friends which is nice, love meeting new people and getting to know them weather on the net or in real life but I seem to be finding that there are so may interesting people that are just at my fingertips and I'm enjoying that immensely
And now for a random pics

but nice comments are good too!
hope u're ok