Hurray for me, i'm back at school. The wicked witch of the east may not be dead, but now she's 2 hours a way with no tolerance for long trips. Go me.
What do you get when you hang out tons and tons with a preggo girl who's all alone? You get a baby named after you, sorta. Yesterday, Olivia Bloss finally joined the world. As expected, she basically joined the world the very first minute I wasn't in town because of school. Oh well, Karen and the baby will be fine, and the father who's baby "it isn't mine" is kinda left wondering now that it supposedly looks just like him! (he was at the hospital holding her earlier when I called).
Everyone think good juju about that situation and maybe it'll come out alright. Their relationship fell apart because of lack of communication, lack of empathy on his part and a miscarriage that was unavoidable (but that i think he blamed her for).
So, i'm back in Syracuse. Go me. I love it here. You know why? I am my own man again. Sure, I saved boku greenbacks living with my folks and i got to take care of a million people who needed help, but it sure does feel good to be on my own again.
Now, i gotta think about finding a job so I never have to 'move home' ever again. Go me!
On campus, it's freaking chaos with my major. Chemical Engineering is a small major here, as they only had 6 full time faculty. However, most were good, dedicated teachers on top of having some really amazing research projects. Anyways, 1 got sick (it's ok, he was the worst of the bunch as a teacher. Give that man a lab and he can develop Cold Fusion. Give him a classroom and he's a fish out of water. Ever seen "A beautiful mind"? yeah, like that) and another left. Probably the second most beloved professor got an offer at another school and she took it. Can't blame her, but there's some pretty upset faculty here. So, the major went from 6 professors to 4 over the summer. So, schedule's were all rearranged, a major class was just cancelled... just chaos.
On saturday of this last week, the day after i found out my schedule was changed to being under full time, 2 days before classes start, i pop in because I hear one of the professors is doing advising. Sadly, it's a professor who's never advised at this (or any) school, ever. And it was a required advising session for the freshman.
Can you guess who got to do half the work? Yeah, me. lol. it was just, "Hey, Ori, sit here. I am sure you know how to do this." (He'd had me for Thermodynamics II and has me this semester for both Heat and Mass transfer Operations as well as Senior Chemical Engineering lab, the second of which I already know i'm going to be losing alot of sleep over. He has a lab fetish. "This is the way a lab is to be run. If it's anything less than professional quality, what's the point?" My first lab is measuring the rate of dissolution of a sour ball into stirred water. Oh, yeah, professional quality. LOL! ANYWAYS, i got to meet the freshman class, or at least, about half of it. OMG, they're so young! Like little puppies about to be fed to the college blender. Got to meet a freshy girl, Rachel. something yummy about her, dunno what yet. Oh well, she's got my # if she 'needs' anything.
It's good being the knowledgable senior on campus with a car! haha. It's like fucking highschool, only I'm cool this time.
So, where have i been for the last 2 weeks? i've been trying to help my friend have a baby. No, you perverts (i
you), no sex involved. She was too uncomfortable with her body for that, and the baby's father was sort of on her mind alot. No, so i took her out alot, fed her spicy food, walked her all over god's green earth. Took her swinging. Drove over every pot-hole on Ridge Road (which is to say, alot). When does the baby finally decide to show itself? She breaks her water, sunday night, 11 pm, the day before classes (for me) begin.
I think it's a good thing I have no cell phone signal on south campus, because I very well might have gone back to Rochester to give moral support. That would have caused me to miss my entire first day and my schedule fixing. So, i DID get a call about the baby being born, but i didn't get it until i got my cellphone on campus, where i have signal, which means it was all over by the time i knew.
Oh, yes, and i got the dorm right next to the entrance. So, everyone who loses their ID card (the 'key' to enter the building) has knocked on my window to ask for help getting in. So i've met Monique, Holly and Jenny.
yeah, it's been a good couple of days socially speaking.
Classes, on the other hand, are frightening the piss out of me. 3 Chemical Engineering courses, 2 senior and 1 graduate level. On top of that, 1 Senior Chemistry course and 1 Senior environmental engineering course (which is mostly taken by Graduate Students from the neighboring ESF who can take classes on Syracuse's campus for the same price as their own classes. So, yeah, the work load is boggling my mind. The senior class that just exitted were a bunch of (in my opinion) freaking genius', so my class is under the gun because we're like, Average-joe-shmoe Chemical Engineering students.
And i got grouped with fucking Jeff for chemical engineering lab. As if that class wasn't going to be hard enough already, now I'm going to have to deal with his ass. He's at least twice as good at all of this stuff than i am, but he's such a slacker. College is a joke for him, where I have to bust my hump. It'll take me 8 hours to do an assignment, where it'll take him 2. He just sits down and does it. He shows up to class when he gets the urge, and never suffers for it.
Yes, I am jealous. I was the obnoxious brilliant kid when I started college. What the hell happened?
What do you get when you hang out tons and tons with a preggo girl who's all alone? You get a baby named after you, sorta. Yesterday, Olivia Bloss finally joined the world. As expected, she basically joined the world the very first minute I wasn't in town because of school. Oh well, Karen and the baby will be fine, and the father who's baby "it isn't mine" is kinda left wondering now that it supposedly looks just like him! (he was at the hospital holding her earlier when I called).
Everyone think good juju about that situation and maybe it'll come out alright. Their relationship fell apart because of lack of communication, lack of empathy on his part and a miscarriage that was unavoidable (but that i think he blamed her for).
So, i'm back in Syracuse. Go me. I love it here. You know why? I am my own man again. Sure, I saved boku greenbacks living with my folks and i got to take care of a million people who needed help, but it sure does feel good to be on my own again.
Now, i gotta think about finding a job so I never have to 'move home' ever again. Go me!
On campus, it's freaking chaos with my major. Chemical Engineering is a small major here, as they only had 6 full time faculty. However, most were good, dedicated teachers on top of having some really amazing research projects. Anyways, 1 got sick (it's ok, he was the worst of the bunch as a teacher. Give that man a lab and he can develop Cold Fusion. Give him a classroom and he's a fish out of water. Ever seen "A beautiful mind"? yeah, like that) and another left. Probably the second most beloved professor got an offer at another school and she took it. Can't blame her, but there's some pretty upset faculty here. So, the major went from 6 professors to 4 over the summer. So, schedule's were all rearranged, a major class was just cancelled... just chaos.
On saturday of this last week, the day after i found out my schedule was changed to being under full time, 2 days before classes start, i pop in because I hear one of the professors is doing advising. Sadly, it's a professor who's never advised at this (or any) school, ever. And it was a required advising session for the freshman.
Can you guess who got to do half the work? Yeah, me. lol. it was just, "Hey, Ori, sit here. I am sure you know how to do this." (He'd had me for Thermodynamics II and has me this semester for both Heat and Mass transfer Operations as well as Senior Chemical Engineering lab, the second of which I already know i'm going to be losing alot of sleep over. He has a lab fetish. "This is the way a lab is to be run. If it's anything less than professional quality, what's the point?" My first lab is measuring the rate of dissolution of a sour ball into stirred water. Oh, yeah, professional quality. LOL! ANYWAYS, i got to meet the freshman class, or at least, about half of it. OMG, they're so young! Like little puppies about to be fed to the college blender. Got to meet a freshy girl, Rachel. something yummy about her, dunno what yet. Oh well, she's got my # if she 'needs' anything.
It's good being the knowledgable senior on campus with a car! haha. It's like fucking highschool, only I'm cool this time.
So, where have i been for the last 2 weeks? i've been trying to help my friend have a baby. No, you perverts (i

I think it's a good thing I have no cell phone signal on south campus, because I very well might have gone back to Rochester to give moral support. That would have caused me to miss my entire first day and my schedule fixing. So, i DID get a call about the baby being born, but i didn't get it until i got my cellphone on campus, where i have signal, which means it was all over by the time i knew.
Oh, yes, and i got the dorm right next to the entrance. So, everyone who loses their ID card (the 'key' to enter the building) has knocked on my window to ask for help getting in. So i've met Monique, Holly and Jenny.
yeah, it's been a good couple of days socially speaking.
Classes, on the other hand, are frightening the piss out of me. 3 Chemical Engineering courses, 2 senior and 1 graduate level. On top of that, 1 Senior Chemistry course and 1 Senior environmental engineering course (which is mostly taken by Graduate Students from the neighboring ESF who can take classes on Syracuse's campus for the same price as their own classes. So, yeah, the work load is boggling my mind. The senior class that just exitted were a bunch of (in my opinion) freaking genius', so my class is under the gun because we're like, Average-joe-shmoe Chemical Engineering students.
And i got grouped with fucking Jeff for chemical engineering lab. As if that class wasn't going to be hard enough already, now I'm going to have to deal with his ass. He's at least twice as good at all of this stuff than i am, but he's such a slacker. College is a joke for him, where I have to bust my hump. It'll take me 8 hours to do an assignment, where it'll take him 2. He just sits down and does it. He shows up to class when he gets the urge, and never suffers for it.
Yes, I am jealous. I was the obnoxious brilliant kid when I started college. What the hell happened?
Hey you 

Im a journalist and I have to make an article about that.... Im a fucking suicide girl, and suicide girls does that... go to risky places... danger is my second name.