I know people hate being reminded, but I have feelings too, god damn it. I just want to say, "Fuck you" to everyone who seems to make it their personal crusade to make ME or any other man feel bad for being a man.
Do you see me trying to make you feel bad about being a woman? Fuck no. I love women. I adore women. I fucking worship women. And it's days like this I really, really, REALLY hate myself for it.
But it's days like this that make me ask, "WTF am I doing?" Women are always asking stupid ass questions like, "Where are all the nice guys?"
What a stupid question. Do you women really want to know? huh? Do ya?
Take the average woman, who's abusive, mean, vindictive, manipulative and just plain cruel to any man she's with (why? Because she can). Then, take any nice guy. Nice guys will be attracted, like every straight man, to women. Including average women. What ensues? Abuse abuse abuse.
There are guys out there, like me, who continue to try and be nice. Who do all those things that women say they want (like empathy for THEIR needs and THEIR pains and THEIR struggles). But, how much abuse can I transcend? how long can I stay a nice person when seemingly every woman I meet just wants me to go away or wants to abuse me? ("hey, lets pretend to be nice to this guy for a few days, get him good and hooked, and then squeeze him for his money, destroy his ego, make sure he realizes he doesn't deserve US, and when he's all used up, dump his sorry ass int the river.")
Women may come off with "oh, but i was hurt first. I'm a victim of my environment."
Well, where the fuck are the women that aren't the victims of their environment? How about a really shocking question, like, Where's the fucking woman that can transcend her experiences to be her own person?
Why do women feel they have to make men feel bad about being men? Why is sex bad, when you SAY you enjoy it? What is so wrong with ME, for being a man?
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't know if there's a nice girl out there still. I don't know why I interact with women at all, when all they do is delight in making me miserable.
Worse, they don't even CARE if they do make you miserable. I've been told it's just a game to them. And like any game, it's fun for them. They enjoy abusing others, because it makes them feel powerful. They like breaking nice guys, because they can. because nice guys are 'asking for it.'
Is it wrong, for me, a man, to want to be happy?
It's fucked up you know? They don't want you to be happy, and they get mad when you try and kill yourself. How fucked up is that?
Yeah, and, do you think i sound bitter? Well, what the what fuck? Congratulations. You're obviously not as bad as SOME women who have the empathy of a doornob, and can smile down into the eyes of a nice person after kicking them in the balls, FOR THE HELL OF IT (literally or metaphorically).
You know what I want? I want someone to give me the courage to either kill myself or someone who can help me be gay. Either way, I can write women off, and not have to deal with them ever again. Some part of me seems to like pain, though, because i haven't managed to do either yet. I am trying, but it's working.
The first step on this path would probably be to delete my account here, eh?
Do you see me trying to make you feel bad about being a woman? Fuck no. I love women. I adore women. I fucking worship women. And it's days like this I really, really, REALLY hate myself for it.
But it's days like this that make me ask, "WTF am I doing?" Women are always asking stupid ass questions like, "Where are all the nice guys?"
What a stupid question. Do you women really want to know? huh? Do ya?
Take the average woman, who's abusive, mean, vindictive, manipulative and just plain cruel to any man she's with (why? Because she can). Then, take any nice guy. Nice guys will be attracted, like every straight man, to women. Including average women. What ensues? Abuse abuse abuse.
There are guys out there, like me, who continue to try and be nice. Who do all those things that women say they want (like empathy for THEIR needs and THEIR pains and THEIR struggles). But, how much abuse can I transcend? how long can I stay a nice person when seemingly every woman I meet just wants me to go away or wants to abuse me? ("hey, lets pretend to be nice to this guy for a few days, get him good and hooked, and then squeeze him for his money, destroy his ego, make sure he realizes he doesn't deserve US, and when he's all used up, dump his sorry ass int the river.")
Women may come off with "oh, but i was hurt first. I'm a victim of my environment."
Well, where the fuck are the women that aren't the victims of their environment? How about a really shocking question, like, Where's the fucking woman that can transcend her experiences to be her own person?
Why do women feel they have to make men feel bad about being men? Why is sex bad, when you SAY you enjoy it? What is so wrong with ME, for being a man?
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't know if there's a nice girl out there still. I don't know why I interact with women at all, when all they do is delight in making me miserable.
Worse, they don't even CARE if they do make you miserable. I've been told it's just a game to them. And like any game, it's fun for them. They enjoy abusing others, because it makes them feel powerful. They like breaking nice guys, because they can. because nice guys are 'asking for it.'
Is it wrong, for me, a man, to want to be happy?
It's fucked up you know? They don't want you to be happy, and they get mad when you try and kill yourself. How fucked up is that?
Yeah, and, do you think i sound bitter? Well, what the what fuck? Congratulations. You're obviously not as bad as SOME women who have the empathy of a doornob, and can smile down into the eyes of a nice person after kicking them in the balls, FOR THE HELL OF IT (literally or metaphorically).
You know what I want? I want someone to give me the courage to either kill myself or someone who can help me be gay. Either way, I can write women off, and not have to deal with them ever again. Some part of me seems to like pain, though, because i haven't managed to do either yet. I am trying, but it's working.
The first step on this path would probably be to delete my account here, eh?
Hang in there, but yeah ditch the loser users and find the nice people, there are nice people out there.
No, killing you is not an option cuz I kinda would miss ya and stuff and besides...so would many more other people.