Erie is never pretty, but life certainly has so much room for improvement right now it's not even funny.
Got down to Erie yesterday. By evening, it was already obvious that things were bad. My great grandmother is moving much more slowly and with less coordination than I remember from 3 weeks ago. She fell down last night, and it took a while to get her up.
You see, she fell down on her left side, the side she fell down on 2 years ago when she broke her shoulder. So, we had to get her up carefully. She doesn't weigh very much, but she's 87 years old and brittle.
I'm very worried. My mother is convinced that my great grandmother is suffering from congestive heart failure and she's not far from going to bed and not waking up. As morbid as it sounds, she's pushing us to try and clean up some of her estate, because of federal taxes when she dies. If she has 'X' amount of money, the federal tax man comes and takes like 20%.
So, while taking care of her, we are alternatively pushing/being pushed by her to take care of getting her estate in order.
And she refuses medical attention of any kind. She hasn't trusted doctors and bankers or lawyers, ever. She has a few choice suggestions on where they can go and fornicate together. (they rank right up there with the Nazi's in her mind).
I brought down my computer to try and keep touch with more of the real world and I'm trying to adjust to dial up for the first time in 3 years again. It's like, eww.
Wish there was some way to get my mind off of the bad!! Help!
Got down to Erie yesterday. By evening, it was already obvious that things were bad. My great grandmother is moving much more slowly and with less coordination than I remember from 3 weeks ago. She fell down last night, and it took a while to get her up.
You see, she fell down on her left side, the side she fell down on 2 years ago when she broke her shoulder. So, we had to get her up carefully. She doesn't weigh very much, but she's 87 years old and brittle.
I'm very worried. My mother is convinced that my great grandmother is suffering from congestive heart failure and she's not far from going to bed and not waking up. As morbid as it sounds, she's pushing us to try and clean up some of her estate, because of federal taxes when she dies. If she has 'X' amount of money, the federal tax man comes and takes like 20%.
So, while taking care of her, we are alternatively pushing/being pushed by her to take care of getting her estate in order.
And she refuses medical attention of any kind. She hasn't trusted doctors and bankers or lawyers, ever. She has a few choice suggestions on where they can go and fornicate together. (they rank right up there with the Nazi's in her mind).
I brought down my computer to try and keep touch with more of the real world and I'm trying to adjust to dial up for the first time in 3 years again. It's like, eww.
Wish there was some way to get my mind off of the bad!! Help!
And a children's museum haha!

Scary??? If you come here and go to Palermo at night in the Red Zone, you can find lots of wifes with penis... and boobs, and long hair and Macho atitude... thats strange and horrible!