Dear Journal,

Man I had somethin' goin' on last night. Whether it was my 100% polyesther get-up, my captivating moves or a scent I was secreting (hopefully not BO) something was making the females flock to my close proximity on the dance floor. Got the number of a cute girl. Talk about a much needed ego boost.
nah-if you were a little poser fuck-you probably wouldn;'t have siouxie listed in your favorite bands. or be cool enough to admit you like radiohead. around here-you could get beat up for such things.
so far its going good yipppeee for me thanx and as I can see yours is going well too smile
Dear Journal,

I think I would get more play if I sported a mullet. No scratch that.
Life can sure be dissappointing sometimes can't it? I haven't been through anything that a good night of debauchery can't cure. Wish me luck!
I made a CD that I am quite proud of. I'll gladly send it to you. It has no DY, JC or Bob Wooten though...it's pretty much Goth or at least my attempt for it to be. Do you go for that sort of thing earplug?
do people with mullets actually get play? now that is a fucking scary thought.
Dear Journal,

I know my life is down right exciting when the highlight of my week is receiving a letter from Grandmy and Grampy! Oh yes and I can't forget about the 'lectric shaver I got o'er at Fred Meyer's. I wasn't always this lame...honest.
my neighbor hasn't bothered me. actually i don't see them. except for the fact that they got a new stereo and they watch Grease at 3am. they watch it way too loud.
so your week sounds pretty good. the electric shaver, g&g hehe
Dear Journal,

I'm off to do my 5 mile run in this fricken drab-ass nasty, grey, cold, depressing sheisty weather. Pray that I make it back alive...
your poem=my pee'd pants.
the earplug blue ribbon-winning haiku of the day!

hey: point me in the direction of a hot chicken picker, like....anyone who has their own signature telecaster (if you are able to provide such an answer). i'm looking for SOMETHING! don't make me buy another art lee album.
Don't say that about portland! The weather her is great!
Dear Journal,

Gonna do some shootin' tomorrow. Got to get some Hamms tall boys, some shells and maybe some sleep since we're getting up at the ass crack o' dawn. Pray that I come back intact!
yeah I carry one of my knives everywhere I go...in my pocket...well sometimes I carry it around in my hand...and do evil things hehe.
all i see is a frightened kardasian who wants his daddy.
Dear, Journal,

Friends were supposed to come over and partake of steak and eggs. A migrain intervened. So I banged on some drums then I logged in. Now I'm going to go and get a drink.

Thanks for being there for me Journal. You're the best!
in your opinion, who can rock it as good as bob wooten. i'm looking to expand my cd library.
Tough one! I'm going to do some investigating so that I can provide for you some suggestions.
Man, either I'm quite unpopular or nobody gives a gall darn about country western song lyrics! Alright I can take a hint. From now on I'll just submit the usual scrap aimed to tantalize my readers with my sexual misadventures.
I don't think its that your unpopular but its more the fact that vastamount of sg memeber are not the country western type.
um, i love bob wooten, if that counts.
Sometimes its hard to be a woman
Giving all your love to just one man
You'll have bad times
And he'll have good times
Doing things that you don't understand
But if you love him you'll forgive him
Even though he's hard to understand
And if you love him
Oh be proud of him
'Cause after all he's just a man
Stand by your man...
Read More
Girl you taught me how to hurt real bad and cry myself to sleep
You showed me how this town can shatter dreams
Another lesson about a naive fool that came to Babylon
And found out that the pie don't taste so sweet

There ain't no glamour in this tinseled land of lost and wasted lives
And painful scars are all that's left of me...
Read More
a medical study????
math is goin good but it still sux butt smile
Man, sometimes I miss my ex-girlfriend so much. I can barely function. I'm sure she has all but forgotten about me. That's life I guess.
Dear Anybody,

Want to make an easy $120.00. All I require is few short hours of your time, your hand, your brain and the neuromuscular connection between them... It doesn't even hurt much.

Any takers? Let me know!
um, ok. did you know there is a siouxsie and the banshees cover band (amongst other cover bands) playing at n. pdx bikeworks on halloween night? rock!
i was at that show at the bikeworks
and i wanna do a medical study
im outta work
anytime should work for me cus i got free time