-first off, i'd like to thank all of you for the birthday wishes. you're all incredible people. i wish i had the time to thank all of you personally but, unfortunately, i don't. why, you ask? see paragraph 2:
-a few weeks back my father was having trouble breathing so he was taken to the hospital. this is really nothing new, as he has his share of health problems (i.e. - bad liver, congestive heart failure, kidneys only function at 20%, etc.). well, he's been in the ICU for the past few weeks and they finally came to the conclusion the other day that he's gonna need dialysis 3 times a week for the rest of his life. oh well, not so bad, right? well it seems that all the dialysis centers in my area have a waiting list...and the hospital does not do dialysis on an out-patient basis. so they told him he's going to have to stay in the hospital for at least 5 or 6 months while he waits for a spot to free up at one of the centers. not so bad, right? well...it seems as if the old man was having chest pains yesterday.....nurses panic, doctors rush in, tests are done. and the conclusion? my pop has to have a triple bypass tomorrow morning. what a christmas present, huh?
-well, sorry for the rant but it explains why i've been busy. the majority of my time has been spent either in the hospital with him, taking finals, or playing shows.
-i guess that's it for now. everyone have a safe and merry christmas. as for me? i think i'll just do some heavy drinking...and anyone who knows me well, knows that this is one of my specialties.
-a few weeks back my father was having trouble breathing so he was taken to the hospital. this is really nothing new, as he has his share of health problems (i.e. - bad liver, congestive heart failure, kidneys only function at 20%, etc.). well, he's been in the ICU for the past few weeks and they finally came to the conclusion the other day that he's gonna need dialysis 3 times a week for the rest of his life. oh well, not so bad, right? well it seems that all the dialysis centers in my area have a waiting list...and the hospital does not do dialysis on an out-patient basis. so they told him he's going to have to stay in the hospital for at least 5 or 6 months while he waits for a spot to free up at one of the centers. not so bad, right? well...it seems as if the old man was having chest pains yesterday.....nurses panic, doctors rush in, tests are done. and the conclusion? my pop has to have a triple bypass tomorrow morning. what a christmas present, huh?
-well, sorry for the rant but it explains why i've been busy. the majority of my time has been spent either in the hospital with him, taking finals, or playing shows.
-i guess that's it for now. everyone have a safe and merry christmas. as for me? i think i'll just do some heavy drinking...and anyone who knows me well, knows that this is one of my specialties.

my head isnt even bothering me all that much today! yay. go me!
hope shits gotten better w/your dad..
i also hope that mother fuck that hurt your rib has karma bite them in the fucking ass!
happy hangover day..er, new years dear!!
hope to see you again soon!!
o yea - & tell that certain hot chick i say HIII!
i hope everything is alright. i caught yr away msg and all i wanted to do was give you the biggest hug ever.
if you want, since i have no cell phone as of right now, email me and i'll give you my home number.
nothing but the best.