*the majority of this journal will remain the same throughout the MLB playoffs for as long as the Yankees remain in it*
-well, the yankees have managed to do what they do best; play with heart. 4 games, 2 of them come from behind victories. they never cease to amaze me and it always seems that the most unlikely candidate comes from nowhere to seize the moment and turn a game around. last ALCS it was aaron boone:
this time around it was ruben sierra:
and, of course, the late-game heroics of alex rodriguez cannot be over-looked:
who will it be next week against the red sox? a-rod? jeter? bernie? matsui? cairo? sheffield? i guess we'll have to wait and see.
***some of my favorite Yankee quotes (there's one in bold in there especially for you red sox fans out there)
-"I'll promise to go easier on drinking and to get to bed earlier, but not for you, fifty thousand dollars, or two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars will I give up women. They're too much fun." -Babe Ruth
-"So I'm ugly. So what? I never saw anyone hit with his face." -Yogi Berra
-"I'd like to thank the Good Lord for making me a Yankee." -Joe DiMaggio
-"It's great to be young and a Yankee." -Waite Hoyt
-"One night I was watching a quiz show on TV and the question was, 'Name a baseball team synonymous with winning.' One girl said, 'Dodgers.' The other girl said, 'Giants.' That made me madder than hell. I kept saying, 'Yankees, you dummies.' And of course the answer was the Yankees." -Billy Martin
-"How to hit home runs: I swing as hard as I can, and I try to swing right through the ball...The harder you grip the bat, the more you can swing it through the ball, and the farther the ball will go. I swing big, with everything I've got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can." -Babe Ruth
-"There is no such thing as second place. Either you're first or you're nothing." -Gabe Paul
-"Playing eighteen years in Yankee Stadium for you folks was the best thing that could ever happen to a ball player." -Mickey Mantle
-"The secret of success in pitching lies in getting a job with the Yankees." -Waite Hoyt
-"You kind of took it for granted around the Yankees that there was always going to be baseball in October."
-Whitey Ford
-"Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth..." -Lou Gehrig
-"And that plaque in center field means more to me than you'll ever know. I'm so proud to have been able to play my entire career and be just a small part of this great organization." -Don Mattingly
-"Have faith in the Yankees, my son. Think of the great DiMaggio..." -Santiago to Manolin, from The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
-"I wish I'd never see them again. I wish they'd disappear from the league.
Then we'd be winners. Can't you guys give me a month off?" -Pedro Martinez after losing to the Yankees
-"If I'd just tried for them dinky singles I could've batted around .600." -Babe Ruth
-this place was built for champions:
-and this is the holy ground they play on now:
-and these are the ghosts of Yankees past that look on and help our boys win time and time again:
-well, the yankees have managed to do what they do best; play with heart. 4 games, 2 of them come from behind victories. they never cease to amaze me and it always seems that the most unlikely candidate comes from nowhere to seize the moment and turn a game around. last ALCS it was aaron boone:

this time around it was ruben sierra:

and, of course, the late-game heroics of alex rodriguez cannot be over-looked:

who will it be next week against the red sox? a-rod? jeter? bernie? matsui? cairo? sheffield? i guess we'll have to wait and see.

***some of my favorite Yankee quotes (there's one in bold in there especially for you red sox fans out there)

-"I'll promise to go easier on drinking and to get to bed earlier, but not for you, fifty thousand dollars, or two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars will I give up women. They're too much fun." -Babe Ruth
-"So I'm ugly. So what? I never saw anyone hit with his face." -Yogi Berra
-"I'd like to thank the Good Lord for making me a Yankee." -Joe DiMaggio
-"It's great to be young and a Yankee." -Waite Hoyt
-"One night I was watching a quiz show on TV and the question was, 'Name a baseball team synonymous with winning.' One girl said, 'Dodgers.' The other girl said, 'Giants.' That made me madder than hell. I kept saying, 'Yankees, you dummies.' And of course the answer was the Yankees." -Billy Martin
-"How to hit home runs: I swing as hard as I can, and I try to swing right through the ball...The harder you grip the bat, the more you can swing it through the ball, and the farther the ball will go. I swing big, with everything I've got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can." -Babe Ruth
-"There is no such thing as second place. Either you're first or you're nothing." -Gabe Paul
-"Playing eighteen years in Yankee Stadium for you folks was the best thing that could ever happen to a ball player." -Mickey Mantle
-"The secret of success in pitching lies in getting a job with the Yankees." -Waite Hoyt
-"You kind of took it for granted around the Yankees that there was always going to be baseball in October."
-Whitey Ford
-"Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth..." -Lou Gehrig
-"And that plaque in center field means more to me than you'll ever know. I'm so proud to have been able to play my entire career and be just a small part of this great organization." -Don Mattingly
-"Have faith in the Yankees, my son. Think of the great DiMaggio..." -Santiago to Manolin, from The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
-"I wish I'd never see them again. I wish they'd disappear from the league.
Then we'd be winners. Can't you guys give me a month off?" -Pedro Martinez after losing to the Yankees
-"If I'd just tried for them dinky singles I could've batted around .600." -Babe Ruth
-this place was built for champions:

-and this is the holy ground they play on now:

-and these are the ghosts of Yankees past that look on and help our boys win time and time again:










man o man. you cant deny these have been some great games.
are you scared yet?