new tattoo:
what you're looking at up there is actually the stencil of my newest tattoo. when the stencil wears off in a few days you shouldn't be able to see anything at all on my knuckles unless they're under a blacklight. in case it's too blurry to read, it says "beat down".
-so anyway, school isn't too bad so far. although my history teacher is about as exciting as ben stein and my spanish teacher may be insane. other than that, school is okay.
-got pretty fucking drunk at my show on friday. i'd like to thank Allied and Laerkai, and his girlfriend Ola for coming out and supplying me with much-needed alcohol.
-spent a good portion of the weekend with adivinedream this weekend.
that's always a good time.
i introduced her to the glory that is krispy kreme donuts and also bought her a hooters shirt.
oh yeah, and i made her a pretty decent dinner too. i grilled up some chicken, onions and mushrooms and mixed it with pasta in a fra diavlo sauce. pretty tasty indeed...i'll have to remember that one.
-oh well, it's off to school i go for a spanish test.

what you're looking at up there is actually the stencil of my newest tattoo. when the stencil wears off in a few days you shouldn't be able to see anything at all on my knuckles unless they're under a blacklight. in case it's too blurry to read, it says "beat down".
-so anyway, school isn't too bad so far. although my history teacher is about as exciting as ben stein and my spanish teacher may be insane. other than that, school is okay.
-got pretty fucking drunk at my show on friday. i'd like to thank Allied and Laerkai, and his girlfriend Ola for coming out and supplying me with much-needed alcohol.
-spent a good portion of the weekend with adivinedream this weekend.

-oh well, it's off to school i go for a spanish test.