-had a great time this weekend. met some cool people at the SGCT lake compounce trip:
King_Of_Skulls, KareBear, LittleSister, Laerkai. Got to hang with some that i already knew: Allied, SmokeyDaBear, WelnTaod, and the lovely adivinedream.
-speaking of adivinedream, go to her journal and read the turmoil i caused in this girls family's life this weekend. it isn't often that someone's family hates me before they even meet me. they usually have to meet me first to realize that i'm an asshole.
-here's a pic of me and 4 peeps on a kick-ass rollercoaster yesterday:
left to right/top to bottom: adivinedream (smiling as always), me (looking as if i'm being anally raped), King_Of_Skulls (wishing the thing went faster), and Allied (wishing he was somewhere else)
King_Of_Skulls, KareBear, LittleSister, Laerkai. Got to hang with some that i already knew: Allied, SmokeyDaBear, WelnTaod, and the lovely adivinedream.
-speaking of adivinedream, go to her journal and read the turmoil i caused in this girls family's life this weekend. it isn't often that someone's family hates me before they even meet me. they usually have to meet me first to realize that i'm an asshole.

-here's a pic of me and 4 peeps on a kick-ass rollercoaster yesterday:

left to right/top to bottom: adivinedream (smiling as always), me (looking as if i'm being anally raped), King_Of_Skulls (wishing the thing went faster), and Allied (wishing he was somewhere else)
i'm just addicted to that show. i even listen to the re-runs when he's on vacation. i STILL can't get on the stupib bulletin board. even though i've registered my screenname and everything. i haven't once been able to read or post anything. it says i'm logged on and that the system recognizes that i'm logged in but i can't get it to work

Dude, I'm going to try to come up to Remy's on Saturday night to check you out. Look for me.