-had a great time at the SGNY BBQ last night. much alcohol was consumed. good food was eaten. thanks to everyone who had a hand in making it happen. you guys rock!
-me and my boy john missed the last train to bridgeport, so we slept in a doorway near grand central until like 6 this morning. then we met some girls from ireland at mcdonalds who had never seen stretched ears before. one of them kept sticking her finger through my ear with a look of pure amazement on her face.
-here's a few pics from last night...to see more, go check them out in SGNY.

-me and my boy john missed the last train to bridgeport, so we slept in a doorway near grand central until like 6 this morning. then we met some girls from ireland at mcdonalds who had never seen stretched ears before. one of them kept sticking her finger through my ear with a look of pure amazement on her face.
-here's a few pics from last night...to see more, go check them out in SGNY.

Thank you for the sweet comment!!

Actually, I still get called cute a lot too. But I can understand where you're coming from seeng as how you're not 5 feet tall...or a chick.