-go say hi to my boy blasphemour, he's new here. he's also really cool, if you don't mind the whining, bitchy, emo-type guys.
-also, go say hi to Demonika...just 'cause she's way hot.
-in other news: been studying like a retard for finals and still trying to finish moving all my shit to the new apartment. thanks to everyone who still leaves me messgaes even though i have no time to reply lately. i promise i'll be better with the replies once this craptastic semester is over and i'm all moved into the new apartment. but for now, there's no time for love, dr. jones.

-also, go say hi to Demonika...just 'cause she's way hot.

-in other news: been studying like a retard for finals and still trying to finish moving all my shit to the new apartment. thanks to everyone who still leaves me messgaes even though i have no time to reply lately. i promise i'll be better with the replies once this craptastic semester is over and i'm all moved into the new apartment. but for now, there's no time for love, dr. jones.
so hows my favorite Yankees fan?

ha what the fuck? still no ones said hi to me. my birthday is the 29th dood. buy me porn