i haven't updated in quite a while. since i last updated, i had a trip to mexico, an art show, a pregnancy, a miscarriage, and I finished my MA thesis.
If you want to see some of my recent work, go to http://www.sarahluna.net
I just started the website a few days ago, so it's not so great yet.
If you want to see some of my recent work, go to http://www.sarahluna.net
I just started the website a few days ago, so it's not so great yet.
wow! hello!
I really like the pictures from Mexico. The Santa Anita festival one in particular.
I'm glad to hear about the art show. how'd it go? wish I could havd seen it. was it for the photography?
I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriage.
I hope all is well with ya.
keep warm, ok?
I really like the pictures from Mexico. The Santa Anita festival one in particular.
I'm glad to hear about the art show. how'd it go? wish I could havd seen it. was it for the photography?
I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriage.

I hope all is well with ya.
keep warm, ok?
A miscarriage and a thesis: I can't have children (not that I was 100% keen on the whole thing) and so people like to tell me that I'll have my "creative work" instead. And yes, I suppose I will have my work, but I'm not so sure about the instead part.
Your research sounds fascinating. What was the thesis of your MA thesis? And where are you studying at?
Your research sounds fascinating. What was the thesis of your MA thesis? And where are you studying at?
Which painting is it from?
I just finished my MFA at Brown (poetry), and now I'm at Northwestern doing Literature (modern poetry and the occult--as in the poets involvement with the occult, HD and her sances, etc.).
What do you study/research?
(And [points up one] which painting? I saw the Frida Kahlo exhibition at the Tate Modern this summer, amazing.)
What do you study/research?
(And [points up one] which painting? I saw the Frida Kahlo exhibition at the Tate Modern this summer, amazing.)
our party last night went well. i got the shivers and some beautiful gay men layed on me and rubbed my legs and hands for a few hours. good times.
hey whats new miss kitty, just droppin by to say hi!
that, and it looked like you could use a comment on your journal...
that, and it looked like you could use a comment on your journal...

how does one eat a mango...such a hard fruit, but the juice is sublime. almost as good as apricot nectar.
How's year 2, at the foreboding place on the south side? Do you still find yourself attracted to this way of looking at the world, so analytical and derived? I don't miss it.
How's year 2, at the foreboding place on the south side? Do you still find yourself attracted to this way of looking at the world, so analytical and derived? I don't miss it.
my schedule is all flip-flopped now and shit. i'm sleeping and waking at odd hours.
jones is in aspen and i miss her terribly.
on the up side, since she's gone, i have plenty of time to take lots of pictures of myself and the kitties, perfect my lipbalm recipe, and join a mariachi band.
i bought a huge bottle of tequila today. mmmmm. T,...
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jones is in aspen and i miss her terribly.
on the up side, since she's gone, i have plenty of time to take lots of pictures of myself and the kitties, perfect my lipbalm recipe, and join a mariachi band.
i bought a huge bottle of tequila today. mmmmm. T,...
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Tequila + junkfood = happy days!
i'm not sure why i haven't been around lately. i guess naked girls just haven't been quite as interesting to me. and i've been preoccupied by school, making my own lipgloss and bath salts, and making cheesy tests on okcupid.
take my "are you a hipster?" test.
take my "are you a hipster?" test.
i love the wgs program at depaul. the classes, faculty, and students are great. hopefully your gf thinks the same! actually, i looked at your pics just now, and i had a class with your gf last year- feminist frameworks. i never talked to her (i'm incredibly shy in person) but she seems great.

Which two events? Yeah. My site was messed up for a bit there. All better now. If you've nothing going on for Thanksgiving, stop by Darkroo for a good time.
nausea awoke me. i feel like a teething baby again; one of my wisdom teeth has finally broke through the surface. last night em tried to convince me to get them all taken out, and it led to a discussion about my fears of surgery and death that i was reluctant to have.
on the up side, we went to kate's for martinis and tabboo....
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on the up side, we went to kate's for martinis and tabboo....
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no way i'm letting them take my wisdom teeth. surgery is our solution for everything. the only healthy thing to do is to ignore the problem, and then it will go away.
are you going to the AAA conference in SF? i mean, you are at chicago, so i imagine you guys have funding for that. if so, then you should come to my session--I'm delivering a paper in the Victor Turner invited session on friday the 19th. i'm also delivering one for a friend of mine who can't make it, which is on placemaking, environmental anthropology, and the Inuit. exciting. but nerveracking...
take care, hope classes are going well! mine don't start until next week, and this time I have to teach intro to cultural anthropology...ugh
are you going to the AAA conference in SF? i mean, you are at chicago, so i imagine you guys have funding for that. if so, then you should come to my session--I'm delivering a paper in the Victor Turner invited session on friday the 19th. i'm also delivering one for a friend of mine who can't make it, which is on placemaking, environmental anthropology, and the Inuit. exciting. but nerveracking...
take care, hope classes are going well! mine don't start until next week, and this time I have to teach intro to cultural anthropology...ugh
I had the same fear with my wisdom teeth. Last time anything was put into me by IV, I went into aniphilactic shock and almost died. I was positive that I'd 'go under' and never wake up. But I did. As terrifying as it is, it's probably a fear worth facing. Just realize that when you feel really sick and chipmunkie and you're on crazy painkillers, you'll probably get lonely and cry. But a week later it'll be like it never happened.
Ok, anyway I actually meant to just write "you're pretty" and leave. See what you've done?
Ok, anyway I actually meant to just write "you're pretty" and leave. See what you've done?
Although I hate most poetry, I'm reading Cherrie Moraga's Loving in the War Years. I'm not terribly impressed so far, but I do like this poem. It's called Passage.
on the edge of the war near the bonfire
we taste knowlege
There is a very old wound in me
between my legs
where I have bled, not to birth
pueblos or revolutionary
concepts or simple...
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on the edge of the war near the bonfire
we taste knowlege
There is a very old wound in me
between my legs
where I have bled, not to birth
pueblos or revolutionary
concepts or simple...
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the converse? I missed the reference.
well, your response was quite articulate. very polished. I'm not so sure that your self-doubt is warranted. (See Humbling Moment.)
Art Fair was wonderful. Not as crowded as I'd guessed it would be. I love Ann Arbor, though, and that colors all my views. I could sit on the Diag (center of campus) and watch people all day, which is an even better activity during Art Fair. The weather was especially nice on Friday, and a Tigers-Twins game in the new stadium on Tuesday made it special.
What is modern queer theory on porn? That was a major debate when I was in college and law school in certain circles, especially my female bi and lesbian friends and those of my male friends who viewed themselves as feminist. Is there still a split on accepting bi folk (which gay men have always been particularly resistant to accepting)?
I wouldn't read too much. A few quality thoughts are much better than trying to observe pages and pages, or so I've found.
well, your response was quite articulate. very polished. I'm not so sure that your self-doubt is warranted. (See Humbling Moment.)
Art Fair was wonderful. Not as crowded as I'd guessed it would be. I love Ann Arbor, though, and that colors all my views. I could sit on the Diag (center of campus) and watch people all day, which is an even better activity during Art Fair. The weather was especially nice on Friday, and a Tigers-Twins game in the new stadium on Tuesday made it special.
What is modern queer theory on porn? That was a major debate when I was in college and law school in certain circles, especially my female bi and lesbian friends and those of my male friends who viewed themselves as feminist. Is there still a split on accepting bi folk (which gay men have always been particularly resistant to accepting)?
I wouldn't read too much. A few quality thoughts are much better than trying to observe pages and pages, or so I've found.

ah, bree wears converse. very, um, nice. she reminds me of an intern with whom I partook a few summers ago. crazy but sexy.
it's so bloody hot. it's too hot to get any work done, and when i sleep i have nightmares.
letinksy (my photography prof) drove us around to several galleries today, which was fun, but i still ended up in a pissy mood. my high heeled mary janes gave me a blister.
i can't find my stupid passport.
i can't help but feel that i'm wasting...
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letinksy (my photography prof) drove us around to several galleries today, which was fun, but i still ended up in a pissy mood. my high heeled mary janes gave me a blister.
i can't find my stupid passport.
i can't help but feel that i'm wasting...
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fuck yeah its too hot.. especially down here in TX...
mwahahaha i just deleted something from inside your sg account. and i stole all of your stipend from your bank account. and i stole the kitty from her litter box. and i stole Guillermo from his corner. and i stole some panties.....
everything is going well. i'm taking a photography class and a spanish class for about 5 weeks.
i checked out 12 books on chicano/chicana movements but i haven't started reading them.
i'm looking for a frat boy to photograph eating meat.
i stretched my ears to 6g.
i checked out 12 books on chicano/chicana movements but i haven't started reading them.
i'm looking for a frat boy to photograph eating meat.
i stretched my ears to 6g.
thought i'd say hi. i was just poking through the hookup, and your image popped up. saw you were from chicago - so i thought i would drop by. THEN, i read your profile - and saw you're a grad student, and the U of C too. and you're into neat stuff like queer theory (which i know too little about).
so anyway, just a hello from a fellow chicago grad student (political science here). stop by and say hi sometime. or something.
so anyway, just a hello from a fellow chicago grad student (political science here). stop by and say hi sometime. or something.

Two days ago, I had my end of year interview. When I came home, I cried. I finally allowed myself to acknowledge how difficult this year has been.
When I walked through hyde park to get home, I kept thinking about what Lacan says about how a baby has to enter into the realm of the symbolic and start using language. He has to speak...
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When I walked through hyde park to get home, I kept thinking about what Lacan says about how a baby has to enter into the realm of the symbolic and start using language. He has to speak...
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offers a hug to help you feel better and a congrats on the goods things!
foucault and derrida are too complex
meaning is less abstract than they suppose
meaning is less abstract than they suppose
So, I should be reading Foucault and Spivak at the moment, but my life has been oh so exciting for the past five weeks that I thought I should write about it.
I heart George Stocking. I'm taking a reading course with him, and he's fabulous.
I'm seeing a psychiatrist now. I thought I had ADD, but I probably don't. I do have issues with...
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I heart George Stocking. I'm taking a reading course with him, and he's fabulous.
I'm seeing a psychiatrist now. I thought I had ADD, but I probably don't. I do have issues with...
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Thank you, you are too. Oh my God, you have the most incredible lips that I have ever seen.
I went to school in San Antonio. I miss S.A. sometimes.
I went to school in San Antonio. I miss S.A. sometimes.
You are so brave to shave your head I admire that!
does this exhibition include some of those photos that you had online before?
I hope it goes really well.