Money money money-all the worlds woe is because money-not enough of it in this place, too much in this other place-greed greed greed-DAMN DAMN DAMN
I didn't make as much as I hoped this pay period because since Ii didn't work in the field this pay period. So I'm 100 dollars less rich then last pay period-man thats bad english!
I have 500 dollars in my saving account, and I just recieved 600 for my paycheck. Now, I have to pay 500 dollars for my rent, and I think I have to pay 300 on my credit card bill. I am seriously thinking of emptying out my saving account and paying off my rent from that, and taking my pay check and paying off my credit card bill full, and just starting from scratch all over again. I don't know how wise that is with me moving and all, but it I do this, and then just stay pretty inactive for two pay periods, I can have my moeny back. Tthe Lost Boy is turning 30 soon, and I wanted to do something nice for his birthday, but as you see I am not doing well at all financially. Maybe we can celebrate his big day a week late. Ii have deciede not to go to the chevelle show so I save 30 bucks. This is really bad everybody.
I didn't make as much as I hoped this pay period because since Ii didn't work in the field this pay period. So I'm 100 dollars less rich then last pay period-man thats bad english!
I have 500 dollars in my saving account, and I just recieved 600 for my paycheck. Now, I have to pay 500 dollars for my rent, and I think I have to pay 300 on my credit card bill. I am seriously thinking of emptying out my saving account and paying off my rent from that, and taking my pay check and paying off my credit card bill full, and just starting from scratch all over again. I don't know how wise that is with me moving and all, but it I do this, and then just stay pretty inactive for two pay periods, I can have my moeny back. Tthe Lost Boy is turning 30 soon, and I wanted to do something nice for his birthday, but as you see I am not doing well at all financially. Maybe we can celebrate his big day a week late. Ii have deciede not to go to the chevelle show so I save 30 bucks. This is really bad everybody.
That is some bad english. No idea how to help the money situation though.