Is there anything that Buffy reruns, 7'11 coffe and a stog can not cure???? I think not!
It looks like today is goona be a scorcher...DRATZ!!!!
I am sun a wanna be vampire, the sun and I don't mix. More accuretly, the heat and I do not mix. I always get awful heat rash. Yesterday I was convinced I had scarbies, because I was scratching myself so much. I took myself to the doctor, and they politley explained to me, though I am sure they wanted to laugh, that I had a bad case of heat rash and all Ii needed was some Gold bond powder.
"Oh, really?"
Believe me, I was relieved, but I also felt really stupid for making people take time out of their schedule to tell me this.
Last night I watched American Beauty again, and I love that film so fucking much. I want to buy Magnolia, but I can't afford to right now. Oon the plus side, I have just recieved a two dollar raise so now I make 12 dollars an hour!!!!!!! Yippy Skippity!!!!
Between you guys and me, I am about to attempt quitting smoking again. I am almost back to two packs a day which is no good, so we are gonna try half a pack, and then 7 and then 5 then three, then nothing. I have smoked 3 cigarettes this morning. I have seven more to go...oh good bye my sweet cancer sticks. Ok, that is so not funny at all, but I have to add in inappropriate humor in unpleasent circumstances. It helps me not to be so serious.
It looks like today is goona be a scorcher...DRATZ!!!!
I am sun a wanna be vampire, the sun and I don't mix. More accuretly, the heat and I do not mix. I always get awful heat rash. Yesterday I was convinced I had scarbies, because I was scratching myself so much. I took myself to the doctor, and they politley explained to me, though I am sure they wanted to laugh, that I had a bad case of heat rash and all Ii needed was some Gold bond powder.
"Oh, really?"

Last night I watched American Beauty again, and I love that film so fucking much. I want to buy Magnolia, but I can't afford to right now. Oon the plus side, I have just recieved a two dollar raise so now I make 12 dollars an hour!!!!!!! Yippy Skippity!!!!
Between you guys and me, I am about to attempt quitting smoking again. I am almost back to two packs a day which is no good, so we are gonna try half a pack, and then 7 and then 5 then three, then nothing. I have smoked 3 cigarettes this morning. I have seven more to go...oh good bye my sweet cancer sticks. Ok, that is so not funny at all, but I have to add in inappropriate humor in unpleasent circumstances. It helps me not to be so serious.