I have a cold..gross. My nose is all gobery and sore from me constantly blowing it, or sucking back snot. I went to bed last night super early, and I have been taking immune system vitamens, which seem to be helping.
I ate a sprout salad for dinner which is just sprouts, tomatoes, seseme seed sticks and dried cranberries, and dressing. YUMMY!!! I also ate peanut butter, which I love. I have been wanting spinach and goat cheese salad for the longest time-ever since I saw nicole riche eat it on PUNK'D. I've had it before at this tres chic restaurnt in manhatten. It had the spinach and fried goat cheese and carmelized figs. YUM YUM YUMMY!!!
I have to sign up for summer classes, and I want to start taking yoga or pilates as a hobby. I practiced dribbling a basket ball down the street today-I really sucked. Some girl I didn't know kept starin at me at the 7'11. but in a bad way. I just looked right on back at her, cause I don't think its polite to stare and at least not smile. I stare at people, but its usaully when they are extremly pretty, and then I generally inform them thats why I am staring at them. Well, unless I think it may make them slap me and call me obscene names-i am only down with that when I am getting my grind on-just playin-sort of
Anyway, Iam pretty tired, so I am gonna go now. Hopefully I will have something more interesting to write about later..wait heres something..
My dad is going in for surgery soon for, check this shit get circumsized!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
He was born in 1940, in the deep south, so It wasn't cool to get nipped them. I think he was born at his house, but anyway, that was info I totally didn't want to know, but I thought it would make a nice little closing out story anyway.
I have a cold..gross. My nose is all gobery and sore from me constantly blowing it, or sucking back snot. I went to bed last night super early, and I have been taking immune system vitamens, which seem to be helping.
I ate a sprout salad for dinner which is just sprouts, tomatoes, seseme seed sticks and dried cranberries, and dressing. YUMMY!!! I also ate peanut butter, which I love. I have been wanting spinach and goat cheese salad for the longest time-ever since I saw nicole riche eat it on PUNK'D. I've had it before at this tres chic restaurnt in manhatten. It had the spinach and fried goat cheese and carmelized figs. YUM YUM YUMMY!!!
I have to sign up for summer classes, and I want to start taking yoga or pilates as a hobby. I practiced dribbling a basket ball down the street today-I really sucked. Some girl I didn't know kept starin at me at the 7'11. but in a bad way. I just looked right on back at her, cause I don't think its polite to stare and at least not smile. I stare at people, but its usaully when they are extremly pretty, and then I generally inform them thats why I am staring at them. Well, unless I think it may make them slap me and call me obscene names-i am only down with that when I am getting my grind on-just playin-sort of
Anyway, Iam pretty tired, so I am gonna go now. Hopefully I will have something more interesting to write about later..wait heres something..
My dad is going in for surgery soon for, check this shit get circumsized!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
He was born in 1940, in the deep south, so It wasn't cool to get nipped them. I think he was born at his house, but anyway, that was info I totally didn't want to know, but I thought it would make a nice little closing out story anyway.
im glad there's someone that agrees with me
im glad there's someone that agrees with me