okay.. now that youve had your say... i think thats enough talk about it here... i didnt join suicide girls to be judged by other people.. i am normally a very private person about all of my relationships.. thats why i never said a word about it on here... so now i know how ya'll feel and nothing i can type here will change that.. sooooo..... once again.. im sorry he had some ficticious beliefe that i wanted to be with him like he wanted me to ..... im not trying to make him out as a creep.... he is very kind and caring..... and i do appreciate everything he did but he was just waaaayy too much for me to handle emotionally.. ..... and i tried to make sure he knew what level we were on... when he came up here... i was adamant in making sure he knew i just wanted a friend... and he couldnt handle that.. i could hear it in his voice... he wanted me to be more than that... and that just wasnt what i needed.... and shortyly after that i went into therapy and didnt have any contact with him at all... per my therapist.... so what im confused about is he knew when he left here how i felt... that all i wanted was to be friends... what was he thinking i meant when i said "all i want is to be friends"? and now i dont even feel i can do that without hurting him..... i mean how much more do i have to say..... its not like i was tellling him i loved him and wanted to be with him, and i wasnt calling... i didnt even get to read his letters until recently... i dont think i did very much to mislead him.. i think he just ran with what he had....
blah blah blah....
blah blah blah....
luv u tons......stay strong sista!