Update!! so im sitting here in my panties and a wife beater.. fire in my hand.. smoke in my lungs.. listening to Black Sabbath.. Paranoid.. the weekend was busy.. lots of money made.. i think like 145 in two days.. not too bad.. my tattoo is healed.. i just dont know about it.. i think it needs something else.. i think once i get the webbing behind it, it'll pull everhting together.. after that.. i think im done for awhile.. although i still want a background behind my paintball chick on my calf.. then ill chill for awhile.. at least ill try!!
anyways!! the weather here is starting to break FINALLY!! i cant wait to be in tank tops and skirts and flip flops.. i need to get out and do some runnin.. it just hurts my bones anymore to get out and run.. i used to be able to run miles at a time.. everyday you had someone tellin ya to get up at like 4:30am to get off your ass and do something.. we'd run 6,7, we even went on a 12 mile run.. i just cant belive i used to be able to do that.... well. now we know what beer,having a child and civilian life can do to a body.. man!.. i feel like such a slug right now..... dont get me wrong.. im always comfortable in my own skin.. i always have been... but there are days i think about it.. but not many...... im usually pretty happy with the way i look.. .... and some guys prefer something to grab onto!!
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People think i'm insane because i am browning all the time
All day long i think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think i'll lose my mind if i don't find something to pacify
Can you help me thought you were my friend
Whoah yeah
I need someone to show me the things in life that i can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, i must be blind
Make a joke and i will sigh and you will laugh and i will cry
Happiness i cannot feel and love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life i wish i could but it's too late
anyways!! the weather here is starting to break FINALLY!! i cant wait to be in tank tops and skirts and flip flops.. i need to get out and do some runnin.. it just hurts my bones anymore to get out and run.. i used to be able to run miles at a time.. everyday you had someone tellin ya to get up at like 4:30am to get off your ass and do something.. we'd run 6,7, we even went on a 12 mile run.. i just cant belive i used to be able to do that.... well. now we know what beer,having a child and civilian life can do to a body.. man!.. i feel like such a slug right now..... dont get me wrong.. im always comfortable in my own skin.. i always have been... but there are days i think about it.. but not many...... im usually pretty happy with the way i look.. .... and some guys prefer something to grab onto!!
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People think i'm insane because i am browning all the time
All day long i think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think i'll lose my mind if i don't find something to pacify
Can you help me thought you were my friend
Whoah yeah
I need someone to show me the things in life that i can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, i must be blind
Make a joke and i will sigh and you will laugh and i will cry
Happiness i cannot feel and love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life i wish i could but it's too late

wahaha, the guys in my band are dumbass, weve forgotten to book the renting of the van and also to book a hostel for the trip to madrid...awesome! And its just in fuckin 2 days! Bsides it is bank holidays here so everyone is out and everythin is already booked!
will u send me a pic of ur little babygirl with the drawin? Yea you will
Its spring already!!!!!!!!! hell yeah!