Soooo... its back to work today at 1130, it was nice having two days off.. felt like a week... and... I finally found a new place..YAY!! im soo excited... I live in a studio apt right now. i pay 400 cash for 400 sq ft.. but i do have a garage, and a yard, but now my landlord is trying to pull some shit, Ive had my t ea cup poodle here for 5 months, and he knows, but now out of nowhere, he wants a 400 dollar deposite for the dog.. a TEA CUP POODLE.. i was hellll no.. especially when im getting ready to move anyway.. my "lease" was up in march anyway.. and im not breaking anything, because we never had an actual lease signed.. its extra money for him, tax free every month... so I'm not taking his bullshit and im leaving... peace out bitches...