IM GOING TO THE BAHAMAS! And i cant wait!... warm beaches, sun.. god knows my creamy white ass could use a little of that!.. i nnnnneeeeeeeeeeddddddd a vacation sooo bad! great timing
ooooooookay.. so ive had a very hard time through the holidays... i lost my father this year and everything is a first again... first halloween without him, my first birthday without him, my first baby was born without him, my first christmas without him...
its just an inevitable part of being human.. sometimes the pain of loss can hit you sooo hard its unbearable...
i... Read More
Ahhh... the life of a new mother.. i cant tell you how much i love my little girl... she is just such a good baby.. i am truly blessed to have the opportunity to experince this part of being a human..
so, ive decided to come back to the site.... hopefully there wont be any drama or strange things this time... not much is new.... still bartenending... oooo .. got a new tattooo... its a huge stargazer lily on my left rib cage.... still more work to be done..... just have to pick up my guts and get the rest.... that is a painful spot!!!
Ive been driving this hunk of a buick around for 4 years... and as soon as i had it paid off it started falling apart on me... i just couldnt see having to fix something that cost 400 dollars on a car that isnt worth that much... sooo
darling stop confusing me
with your wishful thinking
hopeful enbraces
don't you understand?
i have to go through this
i belong to here where
no-one cares and no-one loves
no light no air to live in
a place called hate
the city of fear
i play dead
it stops the hurting
i play dead
and hurting stops
it's sometimes just like sleeping
curling up inside... Read More
cracky how are you? sounds like a desperate song but I dont recall the music... my holidays are ending...oh well, come write me soon!!! your words = my smile
well.. its another beautiful day!! .. when the weather is like this, everyone is just soo different.. i know my father is a pretty big guy... and this 80 degree weather is great for him... especially after those hot ass days...
anyway.. i went fishing this morning... didnt catch a fucking thing.. but it was nice and relaxing out on the lake... watching turtles and... Read More
I love dragonflies!!! They kinda scare me at the same time, but I love to watch them...hummingbirds too.
If people were giving you a hard time..fuck 'em. I'm glad you're still here
well.. its a beautiful day here... nice sun.. only about 80 degrees... already went and played a round of frisbee golf... im not good.. but its a blast.. dont know whats up for the rest of the day... prolly bar-b-que later tonight
OH ... and the UFC (ultimate fighting championship) is showing tonight on TV... i love that stuff.. id loooove to see one live.....
Hey! thanks for getting back to me, we ended up going to a place called Sully's? I was just happy they had Guinness on tap wooo-hoo!! I'm a big fan of small bars where you dont have to shout to have a conversation with someone, and anywhere that has Guinness makes me a happy camper.
anyplace that has character, and cool people to hang with!
you sound seriously happier!!!
hey since I cant be there with you, I want you to stop reading this and go out, have a fun night out and meet someone at least interesting and see how it all ends up! Is that an order sir? YES. hehhee j/k, I say...carpe diem!...
U also know u have a place here if ya wanna visit someday! Goin to sleep cracky! besos
Hey! wheres a good spot to go in Peoria to get drunk like a sailor? I'm working construction here for the next week and have this weekend off to let loose. Anywhere that has cool peeps and good vibe?
ill be in Florida in 3 weeks!