2 premiere seat tickets to opening night of u2 in san diego. 2 floor tickets to u2 at the anaheim pond. possibly 2 premiere tickets to u2 at the staple center.
and this just in-the coachella line up. i thought i was looking forward to NIN playing, but Cocteau Twins
! that's beyond exciting. and my super great friend lauren said that she would get me tickets to at least night one for my birthday.
living in hollywood with tony as a roomie is working out great so far too.
that just means that something awful is going to happen to me between now and then.
and this just in-the coachella line up. i thought i was looking forward to NIN playing, but Cocteau Twins
living in hollywood with tony as a roomie is working out great so far too.
that just means that something awful is going to happen to me between now and then.
fluffy i love you and all, but you owe me for this shit...
i know, i know... jed feels bad. i'm sure he's called by now. ugh, why am i always stuck on vomit duty!