work work work..... thursday friday saturday sunday.....
lookie at my new tattoo!!!

lookie at my new tattoo!!!
yeah how did you know that i moved...well in the process of moving. i am moving in with the lovely miss affinity. she has a nice little ranch over off of university and 75 and well chris and i have the whole basement. there is a room down there that i made into a little person room and then the rest is big enough so i am going to section off part for our bedroom with a sheet or something like that. it's pretty nice to finally have all of my things out of storage after two and a half years. you definately need to come and see it sometime makes me really happy to finally have something of my own. i really miss you alot...

sorry i haven't called lately it just seems like you're always really busy doing other falling apart from friends cause i miss you alot...let me know when you have a day off and maybe we can do something if your not busy cause i don't really do much other than hang out here and try to find a job...