Well I move out in 5 days....and I've pack the grand total of 2 boxes....I'm fucked.
I wasted my day off cuddling and playing with Rob (we are back together by the way). Ok so not wasted, enjoyed but i really should of been packing.

The past few days have been nice, but today was great. Amazing sex and doing fuck all, hehe biggrin
Lookie at...
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I'm no longer blonde....
Its been months since I last dyed my hair, and im starting to wish i hadnt. Its a mix between, dark red, orange and brown. So I need to buy some more hair dye today to try and sort it out, just hope it works!!

On the positive side of life, I'm signing the contract for my flat today. So I...
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My two days off have been very boring, i didn't get anything done that I wanted to. Just sleeping mainly. I do feel more refreshed, but still, wish I'd done more.

Anyway, I've decided that I wanna dye my hair (again). I'm bored of being blonde, I wanna be colourful again! Though I have no idea what to do!! If anyone has any pointers for...
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Ello!! = )
Suppose I'd better do a little catch up, just in case anyone reads this!

I'm currently living with my ex at his mum and dads, but i am moving out at the end of the month. I'll be living 5 mins from work..yay!! All of my family live further up the country and I rarely get to see em, but I like...
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welcome sweetie
welcome! and i imagine how hard it must be living with an ex.. specially with all that horniness! but, keep focused that by the end of the month u'll have ur own place to do all the kinky stuff u could do with anyone u like ahaha tongue welcome and kisses!

ps: i have my own place and im fully independent, and im still horny all the time hahaha so dont feel like the only one! smile