What I learned this week: Patience is a virtue and it is important to slow down and not get overly excited.
I got what was probably the most exciting call of my career 3 weeks ago from my boss. We have these long philosophical talks about business, how we see our company, why certain things work, motivation, human nature. I'm really lucky, I have a boss who genuinely cares where I want my career to go and wants to help me achieve my potential.
He called to let me know that the company has created a new position in the corporate office. Creating all the policies that each site is to follow and then writing the policy and procedure handbook. I love this shit. It gets me wet! This is so perfect. He has highly recommended me for the position and the people I would be reporting to are all on board. He thinks that if I want it, it is basically mine. I will however have to go through the formality of an interview.
Meetings are had and a few days later I find out there is one other person in the running and due to other's opinions of the process being biased in my favour we are to be interviewed by an independent party, actually two. I get the official email that I am a finalist... instructions...write a one page summary of the following and schedule an interview. I write my summary, it was very passionate. I go to the interviews, I feel like I killed them. I reread my summary and I want to change so much of it...fuck I could have written that better, I should have taken my time. Neglect to ask the time frame for making a decision so I decide to write a standard thank you for the opportunity follow up interview email. Hurriedly send them out then go back in to the sent email. FUCK ME!!! typos in both. I feel like I went in that moment from being a shoe in for the position to building my own coffin. Who the fuck would hire someone for a writing gig when their email has a typo!!!! I sure as hell wouldn't. Fuck me, I blew that amazing opportunity. I feel like I let my boss down too because he was such a big backer and it made him look like a fool too.

I got what was probably the most exciting call of my career 3 weeks ago from my boss. We have these long philosophical talks about business, how we see our company, why certain things work, motivation, human nature. I'm really lucky, I have a boss who genuinely cares where I want my career to go and wants to help me achieve my potential.
He called to let me know that the company has created a new position in the corporate office. Creating all the policies that each site is to follow and then writing the policy and procedure handbook. I love this shit. It gets me wet! This is so perfect. He has highly recommended me for the position and the people I would be reporting to are all on board. He thinks that if I want it, it is basically mine. I will however have to go through the formality of an interview.
Meetings are had and a few days later I find out there is one other person in the running and due to other's opinions of the process being biased in my favour we are to be interviewed by an independent party, actually two. I get the official email that I am a finalist... instructions...write a one page summary of the following and schedule an interview. I write my summary, it was very passionate. I go to the interviews, I feel like I killed them. I reread my summary and I want to change so much of it...fuck I could have written that better, I should have taken my time. Neglect to ask the time frame for making a decision so I decide to write a standard thank you for the opportunity follow up interview email. Hurriedly send them out then go back in to the sent email. FUCK ME!!! typos in both. I feel like I went in that moment from being a shoe in for the position to building my own coffin. Who the fuck would hire someone for a writing gig when their email has a typo!!!! I sure as hell wouldn't. Fuck me, I blew that amazing opportunity. I feel like I let my boss down too because he was such a big backer and it made him look like a fool too.

Hey! Everyone makes a typo every now and again! So maybe they will over look it!
I wish you the best hun!