If anything goes wrong in your life, just blame me. For I am the scape goat to everyone's problems. Having relationship issues? Just say it was my evil, sadistic.....and even sometimes homo influence. Having short commings in your life? Just say it was my mind controlling you. Or your life. Hell, if it rains blame that on me too.
Guess you can tell what I am going through this week huh.
I have some friends who use me as an excuse to get out of trouble then others end up hating me.
I go to a bar last night and someone is telling me how his friend thinks I broke up his relationship....because I was used as an excuse while she went out with SOMEONE ELSE and that sux because it mighta been worth it if we had been hanging out more. But no, I just get the blame and none of the fun as usual.
Why does my life suck so bad right now I wonder.
Well I guess not that bad, I got the pool fixed except for a small tear, figured out the leak in the basement.....hm.......lets see.....what else went wrong.....oh yah the sound on the video project went kaput halfway through, someone started nasty rumors about me and a few friends on myspace, over something that happened over a yr ago.....another thing that was blamed on me, and exagerated....as usual.....
Someone used my puter and messed it all up and it took me 2 hours to fucking fix it.
I hope this weekend looks better but.....as it turns out, I made plans to go walk around naked in the sun all day and now its cold and nasty out.
Oh and two other people are ignoring me that owe me favors cause they know its time to pay up.
Heh, fuckers.
Guess you can tell what I am going through this week huh.
I have some friends who use me as an excuse to get out of trouble then others end up hating me.
I go to a bar last night and someone is telling me how his friend thinks I broke up his relationship....because I was used as an excuse while she went out with SOMEONE ELSE and that sux because it mighta been worth it if we had been hanging out more. But no, I just get the blame and none of the fun as usual.
Why does my life suck so bad right now I wonder.
Well I guess not that bad, I got the pool fixed except for a small tear, figured out the leak in the basement.....hm.......lets see.....what else went wrong.....oh yah the sound on the video project went kaput halfway through, someone started nasty rumors about me and a few friends on myspace, over something that happened over a yr ago.....another thing that was blamed on me, and exagerated....as usual.....
Someone used my puter and messed it all up and it took me 2 hours to fucking fix it.
I hope this weekend looks better but.....as it turns out, I made plans to go walk around naked in the sun all day and now its cold and nasty out.
Oh and two other people are ignoring me that owe me favors cause they know its time to pay up.
Heh, fuckers.