Ever have one of those "Quantum Leap" moments, where you suddenly find yourself in a situation that you have no idea how you got yourself into?
Imagine, if you will, standing not more than two feet from a hooker's freshly dead corpse...her glazed eyes still partially open, her swollen tounge extruding from her mouth, the tips of her fingers white from lack of blood flow. No, I didn't do it... it was a DIY job. Her body was still hanging from the rafters of her garage by a ribbon she had tied around her neck. Having been dead for only a few hours, rigor mortis was setting in strong, making her body disturbingly stiff and inanimate. The room was silent and absolutely motionless - almost as if time itself was standing still. It was a very somber moment indeed.
Allow me to back up a bit...
I was up late working on refinishing some furniture out in my garage while smoking a bowl and playing some music. During a quiet moment in between tracks I could swear I heard a police radio RIGHT outside my garage door. Panic began to set in as I quickly put away all my paraphernalia and blew the smoke out of the room. It's not uncommon for police to be called to my neighborhood - often due to the trangressions of this very girl - but I live in a BACK house away from the street, so having cops right outside my door is intentional, not incidental, and very alarming.
My first thought was that they were probably here on another domestic dispute at the front house... the girl has been violent to her grandfather on more than one occasion. Then it was brought to my attention that they may be here to take away her [latest] baby. Again, on more than one occasion, she has gotten pregnant by god-knows-who, carried the baby, and then later found to be an unfit mother by the state resulting in the child being taken away. Neither of these reasons for police presence would have been surprising. The real reason was.
They knocked and I answered. I've spoken to many a cop in many a situation before, and I thought this guy was acting odd. He never did ask my name, but instead focused on whether or not I noticed if my neighbor's garage door was open or closed when I got home. I asked if anyone was injured, to which he replied "not exactly". I then expressed concern over the old man. "Hrmph. She won't be bothering him or anyone else ever again." I took this to mean that they were arresting her [yet again] and expected that she would be locked up for a a good long time...until he followed that statement up with, "She hung herself in the garage earlier this evening."
Wow. So that's all she wrote for the crack whore who lived next door. It's sad really, but it was just a matter of time. This girl had really lost her shit and made it very apparent to the entire neighborhood. She frequently could be found talking to herself, watering the cement driveway with a hose, dancing out in the middle of the street, screaming at no one for no reason, and has even been known to harm her grandfather and even a neighborhood kid once. I've personally witnessed the cops wrestling her to the ground in the past with her kicking, screaming, and fighting the whole time. I always thought I'd get one last chance to catch some of her amusing acts on tape, but I guess that book in now closed. Fortunately, I have quite a collection that I've gathered over the months of living next door to her, and can begin assembling the sad, sad story that is...er, was her life.
Fast forwarding back to the night in question...
At this point, it was late at night and the coroner finally showed up, so I did no less than any of you would expect of me. I made a bowl of popcorn, sat down in a dark corner, and secretly watched and listened as they investigated and took down the body...
Imagine, if you will, standing not more than two feet from a hooker's freshly dead corpse...her glazed eyes still partially open, her swollen tounge extruding from her mouth, the tips of her fingers white from lack of blood flow. No, I didn't do it... it was a DIY job. Her body was still hanging from the rafters of her garage by a ribbon she had tied around her neck. Having been dead for only a few hours, rigor mortis was setting in strong, making her body disturbingly stiff and inanimate. The room was silent and absolutely motionless - almost as if time itself was standing still. It was a very somber moment indeed.
Allow me to back up a bit...
I was up late working on refinishing some furniture out in my garage while smoking a bowl and playing some music. During a quiet moment in between tracks I could swear I heard a police radio RIGHT outside my garage door. Panic began to set in as I quickly put away all my paraphernalia and blew the smoke out of the room. It's not uncommon for police to be called to my neighborhood - often due to the trangressions of this very girl - but I live in a BACK house away from the street, so having cops right outside my door is intentional, not incidental, and very alarming.
My first thought was that they were probably here on another domestic dispute at the front house... the girl has been violent to her grandfather on more than one occasion. Then it was brought to my attention that they may be here to take away her [latest] baby. Again, on more than one occasion, she has gotten pregnant by god-knows-who, carried the baby, and then later found to be an unfit mother by the state resulting in the child being taken away. Neither of these reasons for police presence would have been surprising. The real reason was.
They knocked and I answered. I've spoken to many a cop in many a situation before, and I thought this guy was acting odd. He never did ask my name, but instead focused on whether or not I noticed if my neighbor's garage door was open or closed when I got home. I asked if anyone was injured, to which he replied "not exactly". I then expressed concern over the old man. "Hrmph. She won't be bothering him or anyone else ever again." I took this to mean that they were arresting her [yet again] and expected that she would be locked up for a a good long time...until he followed that statement up with, "She hung herself in the garage earlier this evening."
Wow. So that's all she wrote for the crack whore who lived next door. It's sad really, but it was just a matter of time. This girl had really lost her shit and made it very apparent to the entire neighborhood. She frequently could be found talking to herself, watering the cement driveway with a hose, dancing out in the middle of the street, screaming at no one for no reason, and has even been known to harm her grandfather and even a neighborhood kid once. I've personally witnessed the cops wrestling her to the ground in the past with her kicking, screaming, and fighting the whole time. I always thought I'd get one last chance to catch some of her amusing acts on tape, but I guess that book in now closed. Fortunately, I have quite a collection that I've gathered over the months of living next door to her, and can begin assembling the sad, sad story that is...er, was her life.

Fast forwarding back to the night in question...
At this point, it was late at night and the coroner finally showed up, so I did no less than any of you would expect of me. I made a bowl of popcorn, sat down in a dark corner, and secretly watched and listened as they investigated and took down the body...
By the way, it's kind of ironic because my girlfriend (up until a few days ago) is from near Lawndale CA