Troublemaker's 4/20 party was a hit! I have few but very fond memories of the night.
The phrase "Don't bring sand to the beach" comes to mind, but not in the traditional 'don't bring a date to a club where you want to meet new people' sense of the phrase. In this case, I mean it as much more of a 'if you are going to a 4/20 party where there's enough bud & alcohol going around to kill a small group of children, you don't necessarily need to show up tripping out of your mind'.
But due to a gross error in dosage earlier that evening, that's exactly what I did. Not that it's all bad. Driving down to Long Beach to pick up Kaliegh and her 'friend' Mark was quite an adventure. I tried my hardest to stay in between the swaying lines and not hit pedestrians, often succeeding. Being an experienced abuser of all things chemical, I managed to keep my cool and none were the wiser. Or at least I hope not. Oh well... worst case scenario I came off like a real wierdo, but then again that wouldn't be all that far from the truth. As the night lingered on, my nerves settled and I was able to slip into a nice buzz from weed and alcohol like a 'normal' person does on 4/20.
We arrived to meet Cedar, MoonrockMambo, and a few others hanging around the perimeter of Troublemaker's lair. Good to see the ever-so-popular Cedar again, but unfortuntaely for me, MoonrockMambo lost consciousness shortly thereafter and checked out for the evening (I tend to have that effect on women).
Scopitone, MobProd, Reprobate, Toxicboy, and several others were part of the crew. Mad Maxx himself eventually joined the fun, but spent most of his time taking turns with Cedar at being each other's pillow while logging on to SG in one of the back rooms. Real party animals, those two.
Rae and her man Derek came to chill after being burned out from a looong photoset that day. I finally met Rojo in person, who popped her head in just long enough to say hi and goodbye (tease!). Little does she know, but I've been stalking her for a good 6 months now...I guess she didn't recognize me without the pantyhose over my head. Trihawk5417 was fun as always, and definitely whooped ass on at DDR. I also had a lovely time with a couple I met who wishes to not be mentioned here on SG (libelous pictures and quotes to follow soon). Too bad they're not part of the group, but I love em nonetheless. Lastly, there was some fellow named Jason who's username slips my mind...anyway, he has the BEST sense of humour in the world (in my twisted opinion), so I hope to bump into him on cyberspace sometime soon.
So all-in-all, it was a great time. SGLA rocks!!! If I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean I don't like you - it just means you didn't pay enough attention to me and your name slipped my stoner brain somehow...
Hope to see some of you again tonight at 14 Below to see Air Traffic Control. What few pics I took of the 4/20 party will be posted soon.
Edited to say: Pics from 4/20 at Troublemaker's are up here.
The phrase "Don't bring sand to the beach" comes to mind, but not in the traditional 'don't bring a date to a club where you want to meet new people' sense of the phrase. In this case, I mean it as much more of a 'if you are going to a 4/20 party where there's enough bud & alcohol going around to kill a small group of children, you don't necessarily need to show up tripping out of your mind'.
But due to a gross error in dosage earlier that evening, that's exactly what I did. Not that it's all bad. Driving down to Long Beach to pick up Kaliegh and her 'friend' Mark was quite an adventure. I tried my hardest to stay in between the swaying lines and not hit pedestrians, often succeeding. Being an experienced abuser of all things chemical, I managed to keep my cool and none were the wiser. Or at least I hope not. Oh well... worst case scenario I came off like a real wierdo, but then again that wouldn't be all that far from the truth. As the night lingered on, my nerves settled and I was able to slip into a nice buzz from weed and alcohol like a 'normal' person does on 4/20.
We arrived to meet Cedar, MoonrockMambo, and a few others hanging around the perimeter of Troublemaker's lair. Good to see the ever-so-popular Cedar again, but unfortuntaely for me, MoonrockMambo lost consciousness shortly thereafter and checked out for the evening (I tend to have that effect on women).
Scopitone, MobProd, Reprobate, Toxicboy, and several others were part of the crew. Mad Maxx himself eventually joined the fun, but spent most of his time taking turns with Cedar at being each other's pillow while logging on to SG in one of the back rooms. Real party animals, those two.

Rae and her man Derek came to chill after being burned out from a looong photoset that day. I finally met Rojo in person, who popped her head in just long enough to say hi and goodbye (tease!). Little does she know, but I've been stalking her for a good 6 months now...I guess she didn't recognize me without the pantyhose over my head. Trihawk5417 was fun as always, and definitely whooped ass on at DDR. I also had a lovely time with a couple I met who wishes to not be mentioned here on SG (libelous pictures and quotes to follow soon). Too bad they're not part of the group, but I love em nonetheless. Lastly, there was some fellow named Jason who's username slips my mind...anyway, he has the BEST sense of humour in the world (in my twisted opinion), so I hope to bump into him on cyberspace sometime soon.
So all-in-all, it was a great time. SGLA rocks!!! If I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean I don't like you - it just means you didn't pay enough attention to me and your name slipped my stoner brain somehow...
Hope to see some of you again tonight at 14 Below to see Air Traffic Control. What few pics I took of the 4/20 party will be posted soon.
Edited to say: Pics from 4/20 at Troublemaker's are up here.
Dude, it was a pleasure chatting with you last night. And please tell DCLXVI I said howdy! Cheers!
It was nice to meet you for ~3.5 seconds at Swingers post show
Thanks for making it out on a Thursday night. Next time it will be a Saturday night and we'll have fire breathing dragons on stage.. maybe