"Awake at ground zero. Another day wasting away. Nothing seems to matter. Cause nothings ever changed. California dreamin. Has never meant this much to me. When living in this nightmare. Comes so easily. Holding on when I dont belong. If this is right then I cant go wrong. Holding on. But I know right now Ill never make it. Maybe Ill wake up tomorrow. And figure out where to begin. Then maybe I wont feel so hollow. But Im pretty sure that Ill be sleeping in"
"Awake at ground zero. Another day wasting away. Nothing seems to matter. Cause nothings ever changed. California dreamin. Has never meant this much to me. When living in this nightmare. Comes so easily. Holding on when I dont belong. If this is right then I cant go wrong. Holding on. But I know right now Ill never make it. Maybe Ill wake up tomorrow. And figure out where to begin. Then maybe I wont feel so hollow. But Im pretty sure that Ill be sleeping in"
I can't wait to see them several times when i come over to the US in July for the Warped Tour
It looks like i'll be going back to my orginal plan of doing Ventura CA on the 9th, Long Beach CA on the 11th, and San Francisco CA on the 12th, so i may see ya if you're going to any of those?