Presidential debates are fun to watch. One extra white dude accusing other extra white dude of being extra white. Nothing new. Or, in the words of white dude Kerry, "four words: more of the same."

party party party. Is what I want to do.

The weather is sooooo gorgeous. It's nice 'n' overcast, and pretty crisp. Smells like fall, y'all. It's perfect. Me want party....
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I think I'm going to knit my ass off today. Make myself a comforter or some shit.

Les Savy Fav is playing in southside tonight. fucked if I'm going. seen 'em too many times. and they're not my favorite band or anything either. Plus, lately I feel too old (!!!) to go to shows in Pittsburgh. everyone's so young and so clearly there to schmooze...
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There were no Meese in Vermont. Just lots of chipmunks. We did see skunk pancake though, and groundhog pancake and squirrel pancake and deer pancake....

I'm sitting around killing time, fully aware that there is a suitcase to be packed, a graduate application to be picked up, a flight to be caught at 2:00 pm, and a world that needs to be saved. So why...
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youre here right now typing in your journal so that 3 hours later when i wake up, i can read what you wrote and comment on it using a blanket statement bordering on predestiny but touching closer to optomism i.e. everything is for a reason.

have fun eating squirrel pancakes on the plane.????
yuck. what with the shit they served us on that plane, it might as well have been rancid squirrel pancake...
my cats. are hot. no kidding.

cat #1 ia laying in the hallway and the other one comes up and starts nibbling on her toes. cat #1 jumps up, startled, swipes at #2, then proceeds to lick #2's face.

#2 follows suit and goes for #1's neck. #1 moves on to #2's ears.... ok. weird I know. I'll stop.

Vermont is coming up soon. this...
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your hosting a cat orgy huh?
why hellllo. This is an entry. Mnyes it is. Do I have something to say? no. not necessarily. Maybe more later.

Hey, I hope you get right into SG! It's good times!

I also hope you lay down some WICKED cool journals! They're SUPER fun to read. Soo... Write up for fight up!

Havea good one, and I hope you get to "do it" on a unicorn!

Ben Rawks