I can have bad days at work, my family can piss me off, i can be in alot of pain, but the second i put on that one song i have been wanting to hear all day (and there is always one of them) it all goes ayway. Today it was that Tom Petty song "Its Good to Be King". Yesterday it was the Electric Wizards "A Chosen Few".
By just hitting that play button on whatever electronic device i am using at the time its almost like me, my room, and my stereo is all that exists.
By just hitting that play button on whatever electronic device i am using at the time its almost like me, my room, and my stereo is all that exists.
have a good day
I agree with the "volcano of puss and pain" analogy. It was horrible! Like a bad zombie movie. I could squeeze my boob and puss would leak out!!! ACK! Terrible, terrible.
But at the time, I LOVED the piercings (I still do, I was just getting tired of the hassle) so I actually went to a doctor about it and was treated with antibiotics. It took WEEKS to clear up.