wow well the oil wrestling was a big dissapointment no nekkid ladies? wtf?
they were wearing like full bathing suits.. it was pretty boring
i want my 2 bucks back
ona happier note im still trying to get my friends band a gig but the theatre i wanted is like 80 years old and the owner doesn't want it damaged.. kind of took it as a compliment cuz there rock is soo devestating it would bring the place down \m/ yeah!!
they were wearing like full bathing suits.. it was pretty boring
i want my 2 bucks back

ona happier note im still trying to get my friends band a gig but the theatre i wanted is like 80 years old and the owner doesn't want it damaged.. kind of took it as a compliment cuz there rock is soo devestating it would bring the place down \m/ yeah!!
Oil wrestling reminds me of that scene in "Old School". That movie was hilarious. My favorite scene was when Will Farrell was doing the ribbon dance. I laughed so hard I cried and fell out of my seat.

Ha! I understand the "volunteer work" thing. I hope it pans out for you!