i knew it. i was right. (see previous entry)
this band is going to be the death of me.
in all the years of being in bands, i only had one mishap before. and that was the dreaded microphone to the face, breaking my front tooth during a Memories Lost... show. Not one accident before or after that. this band, on the other hand, is going to be the death of me.
March 25,2006 @ NEOHHC fest.
:: broke 3 bones in my left foot.
June 9, 2006 @ the HI-Fi
:: re-injured same left foot
June 15, 2006 @ Moe's Tavern
:: bass guitar to the back of the head.
* somewhere along the lines, i also blame me going deaf from this band as well.
Last night, during, "Hello Again, I Fucked Up a& Now You're Dead!" i took a swinging bass guitar to the back of my cranium. knocking me out of total consciousness for about a minute.(apparebtly my eyes were rolled back into my head) I opened my eyes to krissy holding my face and about 30 people hovering over me. My band thought i was pulling a joke, so they continued to play on. i sat up and grabbed the back of my head to pull back my hand and find it full of blood. People were shouting call an ambulance, i pleaded with them not to. I felt fine. Just a bit dazed. I even said, "Can we at least finish the song?"
Before i knew it i was in a car on the way to the ER. I dont think i have ever heard krissy swear as much as she did trying to get me into the car. I didn;t want to go to the ER. We get in, fill in some paperwork etc.. i told them right off the bad i wasnt going to be hooked up to anything. i refuse to. Then, they had to put me in a neck brace. Which i dont know why, because i told them my neck was fine, but obviosly they didnt listen to me when i told them i wasn't drunk and i only had 2 beers. apparently that alters my ability to think straight.
We get to a room, and they tell me they need to put staples in my head to close the wound. ok fine. fantastic let's get it over with. 30 minutes later the nruse comes in and say we need to do catscans, etc.. i reply no way. i was fine. they wouldnt let me leave, thet said if i tried to get up and walk out, they would have to restrain me and sedate me. which is bullshit. it's my right to leave if i want to. right then and there i was livid. my main concern was making the bleeding stop and stitch me up or whatever. did that happen? Yes, 3 1/2 hours later. i sat in this ER for 3 1/2 hours for them to tell me i'm fine. now i'm going to have bills out the wazoo for all the shit they had to do to me. this is why i don't like going to the ER or any doctors in general. I wanted to choke the DR who was helping me. she was a royal bitch. along withg everyone else there who stood around for 3 hours while i laid in a bed with a stupid neckbrace on and bleeding from my skull.
3 1/2 hours of ER room:
1 bloody towel
1 neck brace
4 viles of blood drawn.
urine samples
and 2 staples in the back of my head.
huge thanks to courtney and krissy for making me go to the ER. it meas a lot that you 2 stayed with me the entire night.
i am thankful that i have krissy. she took such good care of me and sat by my side all night. and got me through all of this fiasco.
after the catscan, i had amillion thinsg running through my head. what if i am really screwed up and such. it was a lot to take in, in one evening.
i have the biggest splitting headache (no pun intended) right now.
this band is going to be the death of me.
in all the years of being in bands, i only had one mishap before. and that was the dreaded microphone to the face, breaking my front tooth during a Memories Lost... show. Not one accident before or after that. this band, on the other hand, is going to be the death of me.
March 25,2006 @ NEOHHC fest.
:: broke 3 bones in my left foot.
June 9, 2006 @ the HI-Fi
:: re-injured same left foot
June 15, 2006 @ Moe's Tavern
:: bass guitar to the back of the head.
* somewhere along the lines, i also blame me going deaf from this band as well.
Last night, during, "Hello Again, I Fucked Up a& Now You're Dead!" i took a swinging bass guitar to the back of my cranium. knocking me out of total consciousness for about a minute.(apparebtly my eyes were rolled back into my head) I opened my eyes to krissy holding my face and about 30 people hovering over me. My band thought i was pulling a joke, so they continued to play on. i sat up and grabbed the back of my head to pull back my hand and find it full of blood. People were shouting call an ambulance, i pleaded with them not to. I felt fine. Just a bit dazed. I even said, "Can we at least finish the song?"
Before i knew it i was in a car on the way to the ER. I dont think i have ever heard krissy swear as much as she did trying to get me into the car. I didn;t want to go to the ER. We get in, fill in some paperwork etc.. i told them right off the bad i wasnt going to be hooked up to anything. i refuse to. Then, they had to put me in a neck brace. Which i dont know why, because i told them my neck was fine, but obviosly they didnt listen to me when i told them i wasn't drunk and i only had 2 beers. apparently that alters my ability to think straight.
We get to a room, and they tell me they need to put staples in my head to close the wound. ok fine. fantastic let's get it over with. 30 minutes later the nruse comes in and say we need to do catscans, etc.. i reply no way. i was fine. they wouldnt let me leave, thet said if i tried to get up and walk out, they would have to restrain me and sedate me. which is bullshit. it's my right to leave if i want to. right then and there i was livid. my main concern was making the bleeding stop and stitch me up or whatever. did that happen? Yes, 3 1/2 hours later. i sat in this ER for 3 1/2 hours for them to tell me i'm fine. now i'm going to have bills out the wazoo for all the shit they had to do to me. this is why i don't like going to the ER or any doctors in general. I wanted to choke the DR who was helping me. she was a royal bitch. along withg everyone else there who stood around for 3 hours while i laid in a bed with a stupid neckbrace on and bleeding from my skull.
3 1/2 hours of ER room:
1 bloody towel
1 neck brace
4 viles of blood drawn.
urine samples
and 2 staples in the back of my head.
huge thanks to courtney and krissy for making me go to the ER. it meas a lot that you 2 stayed with me the entire night.
i am thankful that i have krissy. she took such good care of me and sat by my side all night. and got me through all of this fiasco.
after the catscan, i had amillion thinsg running through my head. what if i am really screwed up and such. it was a lot to take in, in one evening.
i have the biggest splitting headache (no pun intended) right now.
Awww....sounds so bad, but at the same time I really miss that. I haven't been in a band in 5 years. Ugh. I know it hurts, but live it up -- no use in getting old and regretting NOT doing things. I'd prefer to be a little banged-up and have the experience.