Yesterday was the first day of school. In my Social Psychology Research Methods class there are 30 students in the class with only 3 guys in it hehe. In my Social Inequality class over half the students are minorities not suprisingly.
I think for my favorite class will be Sociology Of Religion. For one of our papers we have to attend a meeting of another religion that we have never participated in before so that should be fun. I also get to do volunteer research work with one of my profesors so that will look good on my grad school application.
I met my next door neighbors yesterday. Both of them are so hot.
Although they live right above us and they keep moving their furniture around which makes it really noisy.
I'm not sure what I'm doing yet this weekend. Since it's the first weekend of the school year I'm sure there will be lots going on.
I think I need to get a hair cut. This is by far the longest my hair has ever been. I sorta want to have spikey hair again but it takes too much effort. That's why my hair is so long in the first place because I was just too lazy to do anything with it haha.
Have a Rock N Rollin' weekend
-R P Head
I think for my favorite class will be Sociology Of Religion. For one of our papers we have to attend a meeting of another religion that we have never participated in before so that should be fun. I also get to do volunteer research work with one of my profesors so that will look good on my grad school application.
I met my next door neighbors yesterday. Both of them are so hot.

I'm not sure what I'm doing yet this weekend. Since it's the first weekend of the school year I'm sure there will be lots going on.
I think I need to get a hair cut. This is by far the longest my hair has ever been. I sorta want to have spikey hair again but it takes too much effort. That's why my hair is so long in the first place because I was just too lazy to do anything with it haha.
Have a Rock N Rollin' weekend
-R P Head
It kinda looks like you're holding some kind of magical radiant artifact in your new pic, lol.
in my violence in africa class, only the black people make comments... really militant comments, and my (german) instructor simply smiles and nods.