I went to a show tonight. This one band covered Neil Young's "Rocking in the free world" even though the singer was wearing a fucking Confederate Flag shirt.
Mothers Against Goths!
My philosphy class is pretty hard so far. Just in the first week we had to read 3 articles ranging from 13-35 pages long. I think the tests will be easy though, I just have to put "There is no meaning of life" or "Nietzsche" for every answer.
I hate my roommates's dog. I walked into my room to find the flea infested dog lying on top of my towel on the floor. And she kept barking at 3am last night, again.
Last month the electric bill for my apartment was 122 bucks. That's what happends when you live in florida during the summer and have a window unit air conditioner.
I just remembered today that it is a 3 day weekend because of the 4th of July. I love fireworks, they are so much fun. Bottle rocket wars haha! I spend so much on fireworks each year and I always have a bunch left over.
Keep on rocking in the free world, jerk
-R P Head

Mothers Against Goths!

My philosphy class is pretty hard so far. Just in the first week we had to read 3 articles ranging from 13-35 pages long. I think the tests will be easy though, I just have to put "There is no meaning of life" or "Nietzsche" for every answer.

I hate my roommates's dog. I walked into my room to find the flea infested dog lying on top of my towel on the floor. And she kept barking at 3am last night, again.

Last month the electric bill for my apartment was 122 bucks. That's what happends when you live in florida during the summer and have a window unit air conditioner.

I just remembered today that it is a 3 day weekend because of the 4th of July. I love fireworks, they are so much fun. Bottle rocket wars haha! I spend so much on fireworks each year and I always have a bunch left over.
Keep on rocking in the free world, jerk
-R P Head
Hey we have similar profile pictures, execpt your phone looks as if its electrcuting you or something 

I spent way too long looking at that MAG website the other nite - hilarity