I got a B+ in my sociology class, awww yeah. I've been getting really bad migrane headaches lately so I went to the doctor's office. This is the third time I've gone to the doctor's office in the past two months because of headaches. My doctor prescribed me this headache medicine that was fucking 120 bucks for 9 pills. I've taken 4 so far and they haven't worked at all yet.
Being back home has been alright. I finally watched Star Wars the day I got back to Palm Beach County. I think it was the best out of the new ones but not nearly as good as the original ones of course hehe.
Suprisingly my parents haven't made me cut my hair haha. They've just poked fun at it and has made me comb my hair whenever we go out. I think they've lightened up a little over the years.
Yesterday my mom was watching a Lifetime movie about a teenager who was addicted to porn. He skipped class often to jerk off and eventually got suspended for looking at porn at school. "I swear mom, I don't have a problem with pornograhpy!"
And then my mom gave me a lecture about how porn is just as addicting as drugs and how it will make me want me want to have sex with girls.
I think she quoted some bible verses as well hehe. Yes I'm 21 and I still get these type of lectures all the time.
Speaking of the bible, I didn't have to go to the Father's Day breakfast at church because my dad had to work and I missed church last sunday because of my unbearable migrane headache. Two down, one to go.
I have to stop watching so much CNN. Last night I had a dream (or should I say nightmare haha) that I met and shook George W Bush's hand.
I said something to him but I don't remember what it was. It was probably something offensive.
I probably won't have much time to comment back to everyone's journal until I get back to Gainesville next week. Until then...
-R P Head

Being back home has been alright. I finally watched Star Wars the day I got back to Palm Beach County. I think it was the best out of the new ones but not nearly as good as the original ones of course hehe.
Suprisingly my parents haven't made me cut my hair haha. They've just poked fun at it and has made me comb my hair whenever we go out. I think they've lightened up a little over the years.
Yesterday my mom was watching a Lifetime movie about a teenager who was addicted to porn. He skipped class often to jerk off and eventually got suspended for looking at porn at school. "I swear mom, I don't have a problem with pornograhpy!"

Speaking of the bible, I didn't have to go to the Father's Day breakfast at church because my dad had to work and I missed church last sunday because of my unbearable migrane headache. Two down, one to go.

I have to stop watching so much CNN. Last night I had a dream (or should I say nightmare haha) that I met and shook George W Bush's hand.

I probably won't have much time to comment back to everyone's journal until I get back to Gainesville next week. Until then...
-R P Head
and scribbling is my specialty.
That's expensive aspirin.
Star Wars
Of course porn would make you want to have sex with girls, that's what it's for.