Goddamn I am so tired right now. I got a half hour of sleep last night becasue I was staying up late doing my paper and then I couldn't fall asleep. My sleep schedule is going to be so thrown off.
So yeah tomorrow my brother is visiting from Orlando and we're going to go see Sin City and play basketball. Then on Saturday I'm suppose to hang out with the punk rock girl. But her friend from Tallahassee is visiting so it's going to suck having a third wheel. I think someone should volunteer to be my wing man hehe.
So I'm sitting in for this one band's show next week. I'm just their temporary bassist until they find another one. It's quite ironic because they are a Christian rock band haha.
The singer and I had an hour long discussion on religion yesterday. If I hear someone say the word "faith" one more time, i'm going to throw myself off of a tall building haha. Because you don't need logic when you have faith right? And no, there isn't a need to use magic, I mean um the supernatural, as an explanation for everything we don't understand no matter how complex the issue is.... Ok I'm going to stop this rant before God strikes a lightning bolt on me hehe.
Hope everyone has a fun weekend. Sex Drugs Rock N Roll. Live Fast Die Young. Quality over Quantity of Life. Condoms are for Wimps. Smoke Crack Worship Satan. All that good stuff.
-R P Head
So yeah tomorrow my brother is visiting from Orlando and we're going to go see Sin City and play basketball. Then on Saturday I'm suppose to hang out with the punk rock girl. But her friend from Tallahassee is visiting so it's going to suck having a third wheel. I think someone should volunteer to be my wing man hehe.

So I'm sitting in for this one band's show next week. I'm just their temporary bassist until they find another one. It's quite ironic because they are a Christian rock band haha.

Hope everyone has a fun weekend. Sex Drugs Rock N Roll. Live Fast Die Young. Quality over Quantity of Life. Condoms are for Wimps. Smoke Crack Worship Satan. All that good stuff.

-R P Head
bassists are cool. i'm trying to learn. but i'm not very good.
hope all's well!!