My mom called and asked me what I did for Easter and I tried making up some bull shit story about how I went out to lunch after church with all my imaginary Christian friends to a restaraunt. And then right when I said that I realized that all restraunts are closed on Easter, oops. So then I quickly retracted my original story and said that we went to someone's house for lunch and my friend who cooked for us so just happened to be restaraunt cook too haha. I hope my mom bought that story hehe.
I've had a constant pounding migrane headache for the past 72 hours. Even if I take 3 advils that has no effect what so ever now. This semester I've been sick more than all the other times in my life combined.
So I went out with the punk rock girl tonight to her friend's band's show. It was her friend's birthday as well so a group of us went to Olive Garden afterwards and then back to his house for cake hehe.
I'm suppose to go see Sin City on friday with her and her friends. I'm definitely pulling the Yawn-I'm-tired-stretch-arms-in-air-then-around-her-shoulder trick tee hee.
But I don't think I'm doing the cut-a-hole-in-the-bottom-of-popcorn-then-place-it-on-my-lap trick though haha.
I'm still not sure where things are headed with her. I feel it's getting dangerously close to dreaded Friends Zone though. And once you hit the Friends Zone there's no turning back!
Whenever I get a crush on someone I always wait too long to make my move and then it always ends up in the Friend Zone. But not this time, not this time.
-R P Head

I've had a constant pounding migrane headache for the past 72 hours. Even if I take 3 advils that has no effect what so ever now. This semester I've been sick more than all the other times in my life combined.

So I went out with the punk rock girl tonight to her friend's band's show. It was her friend's birthday as well so a group of us went to Olive Garden afterwards and then back to his house for cake hehe.
I'm suppose to go see Sin City on friday with her and her friends. I'm definitely pulling the Yawn-I'm-tired-stretch-arms-in-air-then-around-her-shoulder trick tee hee.

I'm still not sure where things are headed with her. I feel it's getting dangerously close to dreaded Friends Zone though. And once you hit the Friends Zone there's no turning back!

-R P Head
let's declare war on the friend zone. fuck it!
Good luck with that
...and you was curiosity that killed the curious george is safe...and at least he is in the best place to be