In my social psychology class we have to write a paper on how stereotyping affects African Americans students. This makes it especially hard since I have two rich white Republican Sorority girls in my group. "I think there shouldn't like, uh, be affirmative action because it's like not fair for the white people who are like more qualified than blacks that still don't get hired." *twirls hair, chews gum*
I tried to explain to them that even with affirmative action blacks still have extremly high unemployment rates and that if we were to hire just the most qualified people, blacks would have even fewer jobs then they do now. But you know we can't please everyone, right? And yes I know not all sorority girls are dumb. I've actually met a lot of frat boys and sorority girls who are pretty nice. I'm just being an asshole that's all haha.
I've always wondered if the Confederate Flag truly represents "Southern Heritage" then why don't you even see an African American wear the flag even though 55% of blacks live in the southern region.... Ok that's my Hey-look-at me-I'm-an-intellectual-college-student rant for today hehe.
Yeah I went out to dinner with the punk rock girl last night and I'm not to sure how things are going with her now. I brought up the subject of relationships and she quickly changed the conversation to something else. She's visiting her hometown this weekend so I won't be able to see her until next week. Although we've been on several "dates" now she always acts like we're just old friends around me. I just don't know *Le Sigh*
Alright I'm up way past my bed time now haha. Nighty Night.
-R P Head
P.S. I heart all the new SG profile pics.
I tried to explain to them that even with affirmative action blacks still have extremly high unemployment rates and that if we were to hire just the most qualified people, blacks would have even fewer jobs then they do now. But you know we can't please everyone, right? And yes I know not all sorority girls are dumb. I've actually met a lot of frat boys and sorority girls who are pretty nice. I'm just being an asshole that's all haha.

I've always wondered if the Confederate Flag truly represents "Southern Heritage" then why don't you even see an African American wear the flag even though 55% of blacks live in the southern region.... Ok that's my Hey-look-at me-I'm-an-intellectual-college-student rant for today hehe.

Yeah I went out to dinner with the punk rock girl last night and I'm not to sure how things are going with her now. I brought up the subject of relationships and she quickly changed the conversation to something else. She's visiting her hometown this weekend so I won't be able to see her until next week. Although we've been on several "dates" now she always acts like we're just old friends around me. I just don't know *Le Sigh*
Alright I'm up way past my bed time now haha. Nighty Night.
-R P Head
P.S. I heart all the new SG profile pics.

If the Confederate flag is really a Southern heritage thing, then there's no reason why people would have them in Indiana, a Union state. And yet, they're all over.
suthen pride man