Spring Break was alright. I went to a Miami Heat game the last day I was back home. We kicked the Kings' ass yeah!
It's strange how everytime I go back home it feels like I never left and whenever I go back to Gavinseville it feels like I never left too hehe.
So yeah this summer I'm going to be living with my friend Marcus, who just so happends to be bi-sexual. I lived with him last year with 2 other roomates. My mom visited me in G ville last summer for 3 days and during that time she got to know Marcus a little bit and she really likes him.
So the other day my mom and I were talking about America and she went on a tangent about homosexuals. She said all the typical Evangelic Christian Coalition bullshit like "If they let gays get married and then they'll let people get married to animals too" and "You can't be a true Christian if you're gay". The whole time I just nodded my head and was like "Yeah mom it's a shame all them fags are gonna burn in hell when they die."
And then right after we get done with that conversation the first thing my mom says is "I'm really glad you're living with Marcus over the summer. He's such a nice person."
I can't let my mom know he's bi though because then she definitly wouldn't let me live with him. Worse yet, my mom would then assume that I worship satan and would probably pull me out of UF since my mind is being corrupted by the secular school system.
Anyways, I'm going to go clean my room now since it's a mess hehe. And then after that I'm going to go have premarital anal sex with a transvestite prostitute while yelling out blasphemous scriptures from the satanic bible.
-R P Head

So yeah this summer I'm going to be living with my friend Marcus, who just so happends to be bi-sexual. I lived with him last year with 2 other roomates. My mom visited me in G ville last summer for 3 days and during that time she got to know Marcus a little bit and she really likes him.
So the other day my mom and I were talking about America and she went on a tangent about homosexuals. She said all the typical Evangelic Christian Coalition bullshit like "If they let gays get married and then they'll let people get married to animals too" and "You can't be a true Christian if you're gay". The whole time I just nodded my head and was like "Yeah mom it's a shame all them fags are gonna burn in hell when they die."
And then right after we get done with that conversation the first thing my mom says is "I'm really glad you're living with Marcus over the summer. He's such a nice person."

I can't let my mom know he's bi though because then she definitly wouldn't let me live with him. Worse yet, my mom would then assume that I worship satan and would probably pull me out of UF since my mind is being corrupted by the secular school system.

Anyways, I'm going to go clean my room now since it's a mess hehe. And then after that I'm going to go have premarital anal sex with a transvestite prostitute while yelling out blasphemous scriptures from the satanic bible.

-R P Head
That's the same way I feel when I go back and forth from here to Gainesville... I think it just has that effect. It was really weird pulling up to my dad's house on New Year's Eve after 5 months and it feeling completely normal and like I never left...
Only the Baseball Furies. There's a lot of different gang outfits. They're all awesome.Go here for more information.