Wow I think this is the longest I have gone without being on SG. Since I'm back home I can't go on SG when my parents are home because they'll yell at me and tell me that I need to repent ofmy sins or I'll go to hell for looking at porn haha. I haven't done much since coming to Palm Beach County except a lot of Christmas shopping hehe.
I got 2 B's and 2 C's for the semester which isn't too bad but isn't that great either. My GPA now is 2.75 and I need a 2.70 to keep my scholarship so I am just barely hanging on.
I saw the Incredibles yesterday. It was a lot better than I excpected it to be, highly recommended hehe. I still haven't seen Finding Nemo yet though haha.
I had the worst nightmare ever last night. I dreamt that I was paralyzised and I started spinning around up in the air like I was in a tornado. My heart was beating so fast when I finally woke up.
The new Prodigy album is really good. It's a lot different from the Fat of the Land. I think my new favorite guilty pleasure song is Phil Collins's "Two Hearts" hehe.
Alright I'm off now. I probally won't be on SG again untill Jan 3 when I come back to gainesville again. Untill then happy holidays everyone.
I got 2 B's and 2 C's for the semester which isn't too bad but isn't that great either. My GPA now is 2.75 and I need a 2.70 to keep my scholarship so I am just barely hanging on.

I saw the Incredibles yesterday. It was a lot better than I excpected it to be, highly recommended hehe. I still haven't seen Finding Nemo yet though haha.

I had the worst nightmare ever last night. I dreamt that I was paralyzised and I started spinning around up in the air like I was in a tornado. My heart was beating so fast when I finally woke up.

The new Prodigy album is really good. It's a lot different from the Fat of the Land. I think my new favorite guilty pleasure song is Phil Collins's "Two Hearts" hehe.
Alright I'm off now. I probally won't be on SG again untill Jan 3 when I come back to gainesville again. Untill then happy holidays everyone.

it's ok.. my parents think i'm going to hell, too. (they like me anyway.. it's just that i'm going to hell.) hope your holidays are going well!
im in cali until the 4th