Crazyness. I just came back from Palm Beach County today. The last 4 days have been fun visiting my hometown for the holidays. On Wensday night my friends and I go out partying (Awww yeah) and around 2 am they drop me off back home. I thought my mom was asleep by then but to my surprise she was still up cooking for thanksgiving. I try to go to my bedroom as quickly as possible but my mom stops and asks me "R P Head you look really sick. Your eyes are completely blood shot! Have you been out drinking?" (And yes my mom really does address me as R P Head haha)
I completly deny it and she believes me, but the next day on Thanskgiving she gives me a whole lecture on how drinking is bad, how I need to focus on school, and how it is a sin to have sex before marriage. Then later that day during Thanksgiving dinner my mom prays over the food.
Now my mom is a really emotional person and sometimes she cries while praying, especially during the holidays. So while praying she goes "...And thank you Lord that R P Head had a nice 21st birthday and...*voice starts to break up* thank you God that he isn't addicted to drugs and that he hasen't impregnated any girls yet..."
I look up in shock from the dinner table and my dad is trying his hardest not to burst into laughter, my grandma has the most disgruntled look on her face and tears are coming down my mom's cheeks. It was so akward.
The funny thing is that when I lived with my parents I never had to hide from them since I never drank or smoke once during high school. But whenever I come to visit them from college I have to now haha.
The day after Thanksgiving we go on our cruise. It sucked cause before we went on the ship my whole family took some Dramamine pills so that we wouldn't get sea sick. But instead the pills made us all really tired so we ended up walking around like zombies the whole cruise haha.
What's the most embarrasing thing your parents have ever done to you? My mom's thanksgiving prayer ranks pretty high up there for me hehe. I'll try my hardest to get back to everyone's journals but I have a paper do this Thursday so I'll be really busy with that.
-R P Head
I completly deny it and she believes me, but the next day on Thanskgiving she gives me a whole lecture on how drinking is bad, how I need to focus on school, and how it is a sin to have sex before marriage. Then later that day during Thanksgiving dinner my mom prays over the food.
Now my mom is a really emotional person and sometimes she cries while praying, especially during the holidays. So while praying she goes "...And thank you Lord that R P Head had a nice 21st birthday and...*voice starts to break up* thank you God that he isn't addicted to drugs and that he hasen't impregnated any girls yet..."
I look up in shock from the dinner table and my dad is trying his hardest not to burst into laughter, my grandma has the most disgruntled look on her face and tears are coming down my mom's cheeks. It was so akward.

The funny thing is that when I lived with my parents I never had to hide from them since I never drank or smoke once during high school. But whenever I come to visit them from college I have to now haha.
The day after Thanksgiving we go on our cruise. It sucked cause before we went on the ship my whole family took some Dramamine pills so that we wouldn't get sea sick. But instead the pills made us all really tired so we ended up walking around like zombies the whole cruise haha.

What's the most embarrasing thing your parents have ever done to you? My mom's thanksgiving prayer ranks pretty high up there for me hehe. I'll try my hardest to get back to everyone's journals but I have a paper do this Thursday so I'll be really busy with that.
-R P Head
My most embarrassing thing? I have a similar situation too. My mom is really religious too, and she's asian, and I think she thinks I'm a big slut and that I have sex with everyone. Not only does she assume I'm having sex with my b/f, she thinks I'm screwing everyone that I know! even all my guy friends! the ugly ones too!
So one day she sits me down, and she wants to know about me and my best friend Travis. A disclaimer - he's 26, a virgin, lives in his parents attic, and is the mold in which the 'comic book nerd' is made after. I would never EVER do anything with him. But since my mom thinks I'm a ho, she asked me, completely straight-face and concerned in an asian accent "Do you... do you make sex with travis?", "MAKE sex???" I say, "What is MAKING sex?". My mom replies "You know.. make sex?". "Eww no! What is wrong with you" I say. So its nice to know someone's parents are displaying their disapproval of our lifestyles in the most embarrasing fashion ever.