For all you guitar geeks out there, here's a link of "Eruption" played on violin hehe.
Yeah my friends suck. Two of my ex-band members don't even talk to me anymore. I've called both of them at least 3 times each in the past month since I left the band and they're been "busy" everytime I've called them. And they've never called me once. Bunch of sellouts. I didn't think they would take me leaving the band so personally but I guess they did.
I'm not even looking forward to my birthday anymore because of my friends. I think they'd just come to my birthday party not because they want to but because they felt obligated to.
What did you do last year for your birthday? I may have already told this story before but I'll tell it again hehe. Last year my friends and I got really wasted, then blindfolded me and took me to this ghetto ass, hole in the wall strip club. I don't even want to know how many lines have been snorted off of the toliet seats in there haha.
In the whole place there was just the strippers and bouncers, my friends and I, and 3 other creepy middle aged men who each came alone haha. I got a lap dance from this one stripper who had her nipples and clit pierced with a backpiece tattoo hehe
. I felt so sleazy afterwards, but a good sleazy of course.
Also, post a pic of a penguin tee hee.
-R P Head
Yeah my friends suck. Two of my ex-band members don't even talk to me anymore. I've called both of them at least 3 times each in the past month since I left the band and they're been "busy" everytime I've called them. And they've never called me once. Bunch of sellouts. I didn't think they would take me leaving the band so personally but I guess they did.
I'm not even looking forward to my birthday anymore because of my friends. I think they'd just come to my birthday party not because they want to but because they felt obligated to.
What did you do last year for your birthday? I may have already told this story before but I'll tell it again hehe. Last year my friends and I got really wasted, then blindfolded me and took me to this ghetto ass, hole in the wall strip club. I don't even want to know how many lines have been snorted off of the toliet seats in there haha.
In the whole place there was just the strippers and bouncers, my friends and I, and 3 other creepy middle aged men who each came alone haha. I got a lap dance from this one stripper who had her nipples and clit pierced with a backpiece tattoo hehe

Also, post a pic of a penguin tee hee.

-R P Head
By the way, I wasn't playing in the competition. To compete professionally would involve a certain degree of sacrifice that I'm wouldn't be ready for at the moment.