You know what's really good? Roast Beef Flavored Ramen Noodles hehe. The breakfast of college students everywhere haha.
As I've said before I was raised very conservative christian. When I was in middle school and early high school I was really into christianity. I went on mission trips to Ecudor, Peru, Germany and New Mexico spreading the word of God. I went to church three times a week and was baptised when I was eight.
And then during my junior year of high school I became agnostic. I still supported the church and respected other christians's beliefs but I just didn't believe in it any more. But after this election and seeing how christians so devotedly supported such an evil person like Bush and his corrupted views, I really despise christianity now.
Actually it's more that I like Jesus, but hate his fan club haha.
Alright time to do laundry hehe
-R P Head

As I've said before I was raised very conservative christian. When I was in middle school and early high school I was really into christianity. I went on mission trips to Ecudor, Peru, Germany and New Mexico spreading the word of God. I went to church three times a week and was baptised when I was eight.
And then during my junior year of high school I became agnostic. I still supported the church and respected other christians's beliefs but I just didn't believe in it any more. But after this election and seeing how christians so devotedly supported such an evil person like Bush and his corrupted views, I really despise christianity now.
Actually it's more that I like Jesus, but hate his fan club haha.
Alright time to do laundry hehe
-R P Head
laundry...... i hate laundry
i lived on mac and cheese and ramein noodles when i was in school .. i was honing my cooking skills also .. but had little money to buy the food stuff i wanted to make the things i wanted to eat ..
my whole family werent so much into the religion thing so ...
anyway im none too happy with the outcome of the election
~ Alien