Stupid Florida. My county Alachua voted 56% for Kerry, and my hometown county Palm Beach voted 61% for him, so yeah that's something.
You know what would have made a great halloween costume? A dead Iraq civilian. Ha
. If the war is still going on by next halloween, which it most likely will seeing who is still in office now, that is what i am going to dress as.
In other news, all you musicians out there should vote for me as the new bass player group owner. HeHe
I can't believe I'm going to turn 21 in just over 2 weeks.
Every time I think about it, it really freaks me out because I still feel like I'm 16 years old haha. It's also weird knowing that I'm already a junior now even though it seems like my first day of college was last week. Although I feel like I'm a different person then I was in high school I still go through the same exact problems as I did then. So maybe I haven't changed at all.
Every year I say to myself "This year is going to be a lot better than the last" but it never happends. Things just stay the same. Different people, different places, same problems.
God what a depressing journal entry haha. Let's see...I think I've already asked this question before but what's your favorite animal and why? I heart penguins. They are silly. and my favorite place at Sea World is the penguin exhibit becasue they are so funny to look at tee hee.
-R P Head
You know what would have made a great halloween costume? A dead Iraq civilian. Ha

In other news, all you musicians out there should vote for me as the new bass player group owner. HeHe
I can't believe I'm going to turn 21 in just over 2 weeks.

Every year I say to myself "This year is going to be a lot better than the last" but it never happends. Things just stay the same. Different people, different places, same problems.
God what a depressing journal entry haha. Let's see...I think I've already asked this question before but what's your favorite animal and why? I heart penguins. They are silly. and my favorite place at Sea World is the penguin exhibit becasue they are so funny to look at tee hee.

-R P Head
What you said about the problems is quite true though. Throughout a lot of my life, I have sought to escape the things that cause me pain, but the dilemma is that it's the running away that allows those problems to perpetuate. They chase us because they aren't out there in the world, but because they are within us. Fortunately, there are solutions.