Goddamn it, if Kerry doesn't win tommarow i'm going to be so pissed.
A conversation with my dad the other day:
Me: Yeah I see it as Bush is for giving money to rich people and Kerry is for giving money to poor people.
Dad: Well you could take it a step further and say that Bush is for giving money to hard working, dedicated people and Kerry is for giving money to lazy people who just want to live off of other's people's money.
Me: Well you could take it a step further from than that and say that Bush is for giving money to white people and Kerry is for giving money to black people.
I can't believe how rascists both my parents are. They both claim to be christian but this year both of them has said the N-word to me while in conversation. Over the summer my mom was complaining to me how all our grass was dying in the front lawn and she said "Our lawn looks horrible, we live like a bunch of niggers."
And then 2 weeks ago my dad was talking to me about how hard his work is and he said "I might work like a nigger but I sure make a lot of money."
My dad is a landlord and he rents out lower-middle class apartments and the majority of his renters are black. And he constantly complains about how they always cause trouble and how they never pay on time, which is understandable since landlord-renter relationships are never good. But my dad takes it too far and thinks that the reason why his renters don't pay on time is not because they are just lazy, but because they're black.
You could say that my dad is a modern day slaveowner.
So the moral of the story is: Vote Kerry!
-R P Head

Me: Yeah I see it as Bush is for giving money to rich people and Kerry is for giving money to poor people.
Dad: Well you could take it a step further and say that Bush is for giving money to hard working, dedicated people and Kerry is for giving money to lazy people who just want to live off of other's people's money.
Me: Well you could take it a step further from than that and say that Bush is for giving money to white people and Kerry is for giving money to black people.
I can't believe how rascists both my parents are. They both claim to be christian but this year both of them has said the N-word to me while in conversation. Over the summer my mom was complaining to me how all our grass was dying in the front lawn and she said "Our lawn looks horrible, we live like a bunch of niggers."
And then 2 weeks ago my dad was talking to me about how hard his work is and he said "I might work like a nigger but I sure make a lot of money."
My dad is a landlord and he rents out lower-middle class apartments and the majority of his renters are black. And he constantly complains about how they always cause trouble and how they never pay on time, which is understandable since landlord-renter relationships are never good. But my dad takes it too far and thinks that the reason why his renters don't pay on time is not because they are just lazy, but because they're black.
You could say that my dad is a modern day slaveowner.
So the moral of the story is: Vote Kerry!
-R P Head
my grandmother is sort of racist. it drives me crazy. absolutely crazy. there is no excuse for that shit.