So just yesterday I find out that my next door neighbor is a dealer. It took me two months of living 10 feet away from him for me to finally find this out haha. But now I got me a hook up mwhahaha.
Let's see I have a quiz on monday that I really need to study for over the weekend. And there's a game saturday afternoon so i can't go too wild crazy tonight.
I watched all 5 hours of Vh1's history of hip hop this week. Rap isn't even in my top 5 favorite genres of music and I hate the majority of rap today. But i like some old school stuff like Beastie Boys and Run DMC and I like Outkast a lot, so yeah. I also saw part of Hip Hop Honors thing just for the Anthrax/Public Enemey/Beastie Boys performance. I was throughly dissappointed with it.
All you B-boys and B-girls out there gots to remember to Fight The Power! hahaha
What are some clothes that you are dying to get? I really want some army boots and plaid or pinstripe punk pants hehe.
Everyone have fun this weekend, but not too much fun.
-R P Head

Let's see I have a quiz on monday that I really need to study for over the weekend. And there's a game saturday afternoon so i can't go too wild crazy tonight.
I watched all 5 hours of Vh1's history of hip hop this week. Rap isn't even in my top 5 favorite genres of music and I hate the majority of rap today. But i like some old school stuff like Beastie Boys and Run DMC and I like Outkast a lot, so yeah. I also saw part of Hip Hop Honors thing just for the Anthrax/Public Enemey/Beastie Boys performance. I was throughly dissappointed with it.

All you B-boys and B-girls out there gots to remember to Fight The Power! hahaha

What are some clothes that you are dying to get? I really want some army boots and plaid or pinstripe punk pants hehe.
Everyone have fun this weekend, but not too much fun.

-R P Head
I wanna start with music and movies .. from there no idea .
fuck yeah it is! especially when you're team is kicking almost everyone else's asses!!!