The infamous Micheal Moore came to the University of Florida tonight. For the record I'm a liberal republican voting Kerry and his speech definitly reinforced my decision. But everytime Moore made a joke about Republicans I was like "Dammit, not all republicans are stupid!" HaHa
He showed clips from his F 9/11 DVD which comes out tommarow. Interesting stastistics of the night were that 62% of the american population were either women and/or minorities but yet we have mostly rich angry white men running our country. Another stat was that the gov't spent 18 million on the 9-11 inverstigation and 80 million on the Clinton sex scandel inverstigation. So the government spent "4 times as much money investigating a blow job than they did for 3000 civilians dying." haha
In other news the band thing isn't going so well. I found another guitarist to play for us(so that makes 2 guitars and me on bass) but the search for a drummer and singer have been fruitless. I tried out a singer yesterday that sounded all country western, so that is no good blah. So that brings it to a total of 4 musicians i've rejected and 4 different bands i've declined invintations to join now.
Question of the Day: Hypothetically speaking, if we were to hang out for a whole day, what would we do together? And going to a slumber party while we have pillow fights and paint each other's nails is not an acceptable answer hahaha.
-R P Head
P.S. I still have a lot of studying to do this week but i'll still try my best to comment back to everyone's journals like a good little SG member should tee hee.
He showed clips from his F 9/11 DVD which comes out tommarow. Interesting stastistics of the night were that 62% of the american population were either women and/or minorities but yet we have mostly rich angry white men running our country. Another stat was that the gov't spent 18 million on the 9-11 inverstigation and 80 million on the Clinton sex scandel inverstigation. So the government spent "4 times as much money investigating a blow job than they did for 3000 civilians dying." haha
In other news the band thing isn't going so well. I found another guitarist to play for us(so that makes 2 guitars and me on bass) but the search for a drummer and singer have been fruitless. I tried out a singer yesterday that sounded all country western, so that is no good blah. So that brings it to a total of 4 musicians i've rejected and 4 different bands i've declined invintations to join now.

Question of the Day: Hypothetically speaking, if we were to hang out for a whole day, what would we do together? And going to a slumber party while we have pillow fights and paint each other's nails is not an acceptable answer hahaha.

-R P Head
P.S. I still have a lot of studying to do this week but i'll still try my best to comment back to everyone's journals like a good little SG member should tee hee.

moore came here too. but they ran out of tickets quickly, and i had to work that night anyway....did i miss out or what?
what's wrong with a country western singer??
teehee. if we hung out for an entire day i would force you to go to the mall of millenia with me in orlando and we would try on a bunch of clothes and then you could answer my question about which clothing brand you would be.
ohhh...and that mall is defintly an all day thing..