Today was horrible. First I wake up to the smell of chemicals coming out of my airconditioner. Then when i walk into the hallway it reaked even more of it. There's still a slight smell of it. It made me feel all
so i tried to avoid staying in my room for too long today.
I also missed my first class of the day cause I read my schedule wrong thinking it was later in the day but it wasn't Grrrr.
My nutrient teacher said in class today "Let's face it guys, most food that is healthy for you taste likes shit." I love it when my profesors swear in class haha.
Yesterday i auditioned my friend Darren to be the singer of my band and he tried out pretty well so this friday he's going to try out in front of the whole band when we have practise. Hopefully that will go well.
Dammit i really need a cigarette. Some cloves. Specifically some Djarum Blacks. My lungs love me haha.
Me so horny, Me love you long time
-R P Head

I also missed my first class of the day cause I read my schedule wrong thinking it was later in the day but it wasn't Grrrr.
My nutrient teacher said in class today "Let's face it guys, most food that is healthy for you taste likes shit." I love it when my profesors swear in class haha.
Yesterday i auditioned my friend Darren to be the singer of my band and he tried out pretty well so this friday he's going to try out in front of the whole band when we have practise. Hopefully that will go well.
Dammit i really need a cigarette. Some cloves. Specifically some Djarum Blacks. My lungs love me haha.

Me so horny, Me love you long time
-R P Head
Oh, Me so horny, Me love you long time - I've been singing that song all damn day. Funny shit!