Last night was an absolute disaster. We went over to Jamie's apartment to drink some of Vic's liquor that he brought back from vietnam. You know how they put worms in liquor bottles? Well the vietnamese are hard core that they put fucking cobras in their liquors. COBRAS! Vic's snake blood wine had a cobra in the bottle with a green snake in it's mouth. It looked really cool.
However it tasted gross as hell. It tasted like raw meat. We then preceded to play alcoholic russian roulette, or should i say vietnamese roulette haha. We blinded someone and then had 2 cups of regular vodka and one with the snakes blood wine and then they had to pick one out and drink it. Geo picked the snake's wine first haha.
After that we go on the porch to smoke out. That's when things started to go wrong. I then stumbled back inside, sat down on the couch, then threw up all over the table.
They dragged me to the toliet and had to keep me up so that my face didn't fall into the water. They even fucking took pictures of me all during this. Then they wrapped me up in towels and i laid in the bathtub in the fetal postion for most of the night.
I haven't thrown up from drinking in over a year. Insane. Suprisingly i didn't wake up with too bad of a hangover, i was just exhausted all today.
The other day they had this show called "Totally Obsessed" on VH1. They had a man with a huge mullet who was so obsessed with Pac Man that he spent over 10,000 in quarters playing pac man at the arcade last year. Then they had a 380 pound women who was obsessed with gaining weight and wanted to reach 600 punds cause she thought being overweight was hot.
I think i should go on that show for being obsessed with SG haha.
Embarrasing R P Head fact: I like to dance around my room while listening to Dianna Ross and the Supremes's "Stop in the name of love" hehe.
-R P Head
However it tasted gross as hell. It tasted like raw meat. We then preceded to play alcoholic russian roulette, or should i say vietnamese roulette haha. We blinded someone and then had 2 cups of regular vodka and one with the snakes blood wine and then they had to pick one out and drink it. Geo picked the snake's wine first haha.
After that we go on the porch to smoke out. That's when things started to go wrong. I then stumbled back inside, sat down on the couch, then threw up all over the table.

I haven't thrown up from drinking in over a year. Insane. Suprisingly i didn't wake up with too bad of a hangover, i was just exhausted all today.
The other day they had this show called "Totally Obsessed" on VH1. They had a man with a huge mullet who was so obsessed with Pac Man that he spent over 10,000 in quarters playing pac man at the arcade last year. Then they had a 380 pound women who was obsessed with gaining weight and wanted to reach 600 punds cause she thought being overweight was hot.

Embarrasing R P Head fact: I like to dance around my room while listening to Dianna Ross and the Supremes's "Stop in the name of love" hehe.
-R P Head
~ Alien
whats with the shyness bit with the girls at school .. thats the vibe im gettin from ya .. you dont seem like that all from what i can see .. well no worries boobala we'll fix that this year ..
but first we need to work on ya cooking skills you cant impress them with soggy hamburger helper my friend .. lol .. oiy vay
~ Alien