My whole body hurts soooo bad from playing basketball yesterday. I was walking around like a 90 year old man today it was pathetic. Advil doesn't work. It hurts when I stand or sit down. I also stubbed my big toe so the nail is all black and blue. I really need to exercise more.
I got the new Motorhead CD "Inferno" the other day. It came out two months ago. It's pretty good. It even has an acoustic blues song on it.
If Lemmy and God were to get in a fight who would win?.....Trick question, Lemmy is god!
I saw Alien Vs. Preditor last nite. The ending was horribly corny but it was entertaining never the less. Unless you're a hardcore Alien/Predictor fan( I love the alien movies hehe) I wouldn't recommend it.
My sister came down from orlando today. We went out to AppleBee's and I got the steak and shrimp mmm yummy. She said that orlando got hit with the hurricane but it wasn't that bad. She said there was a middleaged man with a wifebeater on and a bud light in his hand was wondering around the neighborhood during the climax of the storm haha.
PBC didn't get hit with it at all. Just some thunderstorms. The internet connection was out for 24 hours though b/c of the it.
OK I'm going to go hobble back to my room and lay and bed and try not to think how bad all my muscles ache right now haha.
-R P Head
P.S. My friend etherealsymphony is now a member so go say hi to her. Oh just wait, never mind she doesn't have any entries yet so you can't hehe.

I got the new Motorhead CD "Inferno" the other day. It came out two months ago. It's pretty good. It even has an acoustic blues song on it.
If Lemmy and God were to get in a fight who would win?.....Trick question, Lemmy is god!

I saw Alien Vs. Preditor last nite. The ending was horribly corny but it was entertaining never the less. Unless you're a hardcore Alien/Predictor fan( I love the alien movies hehe) I wouldn't recommend it.
My sister came down from orlando today. We went out to AppleBee's and I got the steak and shrimp mmm yummy. She said that orlando got hit with the hurricane but it wasn't that bad. She said there was a middleaged man with a wifebeater on and a bud light in his hand was wondering around the neighborhood during the climax of the storm haha.
PBC didn't get hit with it at all. Just some thunderstorms. The internet connection was out for 24 hours though b/c of the it.
OK I'm going to go hobble back to my room and lay and bed and try not to think how bad all my muscles ache right now haha.

-R P Head
P.S. My friend etherealsymphony is now a member so go say hi to her. Oh just wait, never mind she doesn't have any entries yet so you can't hehe.
hahaha I agree with princecaspian.
So b/c the Bf's mom called and said the weather was going to really bad in FL and we had to leave that day otherwise we'd be stuck driving in the rain.....I packed jeans and bikini or shorts or anything like that.....okay it was sunny and hot the entire time I was back home. I couldn't go surfing or lounge by the swimsuit. GRRRRRRRRRRR.